Transport and conservation laws X. Zotos, F. Naef and P. Prelovsek, Physical Review B55, p.11029 (1997)
Integrability and Ideal Conductance at Finite Temperatures H. Castella, X. Zotos, P. Prelovsek, Physical Review Letters, v.74, p.972 (1995)
Finite Temperature Drude Weight of the One-Dimensional Spin-1/2 Heisenberg model X. Zotos, Physical Review Letters v.82, p.1764 (1999)
Ballistic transport in classical and quantum integrable systems X. Zotos, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v.126, p.1185 (2002)
High Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Two-Leg Spin-1/2 Ladders X. Zotos, Physical Review Letters v.92, p.067202 (2004)
Transport in one dimensional quantum systems (review), X. Zotos and P. Prelovsek, in "Strong Interactions in Low Dimensions", series "Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Low Dimensional Structures", eds. D. Baeriswyl and L. Degiorgi, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2004)
Grounde-state energy and spin of a generalized statistics t-J model M. Long and X. Zotos, Physical Review B45, p.9932 (1992)
Hole-hole correlations in the U=infinity limit of the Hubbard model and the stability of the Nagaoka state M. Long, X. Zotos, Physical Review B48, p.317 (1993)
Reactive Hall response, X. Zotos, F. Naef, M. Long, and P. Prelovsek Physical Review Letters v.85, p.377 (2000)
Finite-temperature dynamical correlations using the microcanonical ensemble and the Lanczos algorithm M. Long, P. Prelovsek, S. El Shawish, J. Karadamoglou and X. Zotos, Physical Review B68, p.235106 (2003)