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Experimental setup

In Fig. 1 the whole experimental apparatus for measuring electrons ejected at zero-degrees to the beam direction in ion-atom collisions is shown. The chamber consists of two cylindrical parts. The lower chamber is pumped by a 450 l/s turbomolecular pump and supports the hemisperical spectrograph. The upper chamber is removable for easy accessibility and manipulation of components inside the chamber. Both lower and upper part have an inner cylinder made of tex2html_wrap_inline277 -metal used to reduce the earth's magnetic field to a few mGauss. Viton O-rings are used in all chamber joints. A base pressure of tex2html_wrap_inline279 Torr was attained.

The target consists of a doubly differentially pumped gas-cell mounted in a 4 tex2html_wrap_inline281 5-way cross in front of the chamber and pumped by a second 170 l/s turbomolecular pump. The gas pressure is measured by a baratron manometer. The gas-cell is 50 mm long and has removable entrance and exit apertures. Typical aperture sizes were 3mm. Two cylindrical baffles were placed on either side of the gas-cell to further improve the differential pumping. Thus, a pressure ratio (pressure inside gas-cell/pressure inside chamber) of more than 10,000 for the case of He was established.

Figure: The zero-degree experimental setup.

Theo Tzouros
Sat May 2 17:41:10 EET DST 1998