Papers presented in International Conferences (contributed and invited)
166 |
An improved ionosonde-based parameter to assess sporadic E layer intensities. A simple fact overlloked. C. Haldoupis, International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) workshop, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2019. |
165 |
Is there a conclusive evidence of lightning-produced effects on sporadic E? C. Haldoupis, COST Action CA15211, Limassol, Cyprus, September 25-28, 2018. |
164 |
A tutorial review on Sporadic E leyers, C. Haldoupis, 7th Workshop on vertical coupling in the atmosphere-ionosphere System, GFZ Potsdam, Germany, July 2-6, 2018 (invited) |
163 |
Questioning the existing published evidence on lightning-related effects on sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, 7th Workshop on vertical coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, GFZ Potsdam, Germany, July 2-6, 2018Â |
162 |
A review on midlatitude Sporadic E layers, Christos Haldoupis, Pilot Network for Identification of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances, Net-TIDE Project, NATO SPS 984894, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 4-6, 2017. (Invited) |
161 |
Some basics on the role of ionosphere and magnetosphere on the global atmospheric electrical circuit, Christos Haldoupis, Atmospheric Electricity Network: coupling with the Earth System, climate and biological systems, COST Action CA15211, Porto Portugal, September 25-27, 2017.(invited)
160 |
On the validity of the global Earth-ionosphere spherical capacitor concept, Christos Haldoupis, Colin Price, Michael Rycroft and Earle Williams, IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assemby,, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27- Septemebr 01, 2017.
159 |
Some thoughts on the validity of the standard Earth-ionosphere capacitor concept, C. Haldoupis, Atmospheric Electricity Network: Coupling with the Earth system, climate and biological systems, COST Action CA 15211 meeting, Alexandroupolis, Greece, March 16-18, 2017. |
158 |
Long lasting effects on D region ionosphere caused by intense CG lightning, C. Haldoupis, The Batseva de Rothchild Seminar on : The Atmosphere Global Electric Circuit, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, Feb 5-10, 2017. |
157. |
Search for Daytime Early-type VLF events caused by lightning, C. Haldoupis, Thunderstorm Effects on the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, June 26-29, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016. |
156. |
Solar flare effects on ionospheric electron densities as measured by the incoherent scatter radar at Arecibo, C. Haldoupis, Q. Zhou, and A. Bourdillon, Solar Variability and its Heliospheric Effects Conference, 2-6 November, Athens, Greece. 2015. |
155. |
Farley-Buneman plasma waves in midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, A Workshop Honoring Donald T. Farley, March 30-April 1, 2015, Cornell University, NY, USA (invited). |
154. |
Electron denisty Enhancements in the D region ionosphere caused by powerful CG lightning EM pulses, C. Haldoupis, A Workshop Honoring Donald T. Farley, March 30-April 1, 2015, Cornell University, NY, USA. |
153. |
Midlatitude Sporadic E layers: Physical mechanisms and observational chracteristics, C. Haldoupis, 40th COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) Scientific Assembly, 2-10 August, Moscow, Russia, 2014 (invited) |
152. |
VLF radio wave studies of lightning effects in the lower Ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, 2nd Thunderstorm summer School, Thunderstorm Effects on the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (TEA-IS), 22-27 June, Collioure, France, 2014 (invited) |
151. |
The VLF fingerprint of elves. Step-like and long-recovery Early VLF perturbations caused by powerful CG lightning discharges, C. Haldoupis, M. B. Cohen, E. Arnone, B. R. T. Cotts, and S. Dietrich, USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, University of Colorado, Jan. 8-11, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2014. |
150. |
Step-like and long recovery Early VLF perturbations caused by electromagnetic pulses radiated by powerful +/- lightning disharges, C. Haldoupis, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), 12 General Assembly, August 26-31, Merida, Mexico, 2013. |
149. |
Recent ionosonde studies of sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), 12th General Assembly, August 26-31, Merida, Mexico, 2013. |
148. |
Long lasting upper D region ionospherric modifications caused by intense +/- CG lighting discharges, C. Haldoupis, European Geosciences General Assembly, April, 07-13, Vienna, Austria, 2013 |
147. |
D-Region inosonde sudden perturbations associated with lightning and TLEs, C. Haldoupis, 1st Thunderstorm summer School, Thunderstorm Effects on the Atmosphere-Ionosphere system (TEA-IS), 17-22 June, Torremolinnos, Malaga, Spain, 2012 (invited). |
146. |
Measured solar flare radiation effects on ionospheric electron densities and VLF results, C. Haldoupis, Indo-US workshop on Advancing VLF Science through the Global AWESOME Network, Nov 28- Dec 01, Goa, India, 2011. |
145. |
Lower ionosphere VLF propagation signatures coincident with TLE results, C. Haldoupis, Indo-US workshop on Advancing VLF Science through the global AWESOME Network, Nov-28 - Dec 01, Coa, India, 2011. |
144. |
Early VLF events. A low ionosphere VLFpropagation signature coincident with Sprites, XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science, 13-20 August, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
143. |
Solar Flare Effects on the Earth's Ionosphere as measured by the Arecibo Incoherent scatter radar, C. Haldoupis, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, April 03-08, Vienna, Austria, 2011.
142. |
Midlatitude Sporadfic E layers as paradigm of atmosphere-ionosphere interaction. A partial Overview, C. Haldoupis, International Space Science Institute, Coupling between Earth’s atmosphere and its plasma environment, September 27 – October 1, Bern, Switzerland, 2010 (invited). |
141. |
Midlatitude Sporadic E layers: A variable but non sporadic phenomenon, COSPAR 38th Scientific Assembly, 18-25 July, Bremen, Germany, 2010 (invited). |
140. |
Solar flare effects on ionospheric electron densities as measued by the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar, C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, Q. Zhou, and C. Meek, SCOSTEP 12th Quadranial Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, July 12-16, Berlin, Germany, 2010. |
139. |
Sprites and early VLF perturbations, C. Haldoupis, N. Amvrosiadi, B. R. T. Cotts, O. van der Velde, O. Chanrion, and T. Neubert, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, April, 02-07, Vienna, Austria, 2010. |
138. |
An Update on the Crete studies of Early VLF perturbations, C. Haldoupis, The 2nd AEWSOME VLF workshop, Sarjah, UAE, February 22-24, 2010. |
137. |
ELF/VLF signatures of sprite-producing lightning discharges observed during the 2005 EuroSprite campaign, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 11th General Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, August 23-30, 2009. |
136. |
Seasonal tidal variability of midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, N. Christakis, Q. Zhou, and C. Meek, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 11 th General Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, August 23-30, 2009. |
135. |
Modeling the relaxation of early VLF perturbations associated with Transient Luminous Events, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, and S. Shalimov, EGU Annual Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 20-25, 2009. |
134. |
Crete VLF Studies of Transient Luminous Events, C. Haldoupis, Advancing VLF Science through the global AWESOME Network, Tunis, Tunisia, 30 May – 01 June, 2009. |
133. |
EuroSprite Studies of Early VLF Perturbations Occurring in Relation withTLEs, C. Haldoupis, Americal Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on the Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere, Penn State University , PA, USA, 10-14 May, 2009. (invited). |
132. |
Tidal variability of sporadic E layers at Arecibo, C. Haldoupis, N. Christakis, Q. Zhou, and C. Meek,European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April, 20-25, 2009. |
131. |
Long-lived meteor echoes and the possible role of meteors in the annual occurrence of sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, EUROPLANET Ne Strategic Workshop #4 on Meteor Studies, Cologne, Germany, September 26-27, 2008 (invited). |
130. |
Search for magnetic inclination effects at low latitude in the spectral resonance structures on the ionospheric Alven resonator, T. Bossinger, E. N. Ermakova, and C. Haldoupis, 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 18-24, 2008. |
129. |
Neutral winds in the mid-latitude E region as deduced from coherent backscatter radar plasma irregularity observations, G. Hassey, C. Meek, C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, and J. Delloue, 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 18-24, 2008. |
128. |
More observations for testing the relationship between sprites and subionospheric Early VLF signal perturbations, N. Ambrosiadi, C. Haldoupis, and A. Mika, 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 18-24, 2008. |
127. |
Variability and descent of mid-latitude sporadic E layers at Arecibo, N. Christakis, C. Haldoupis, Q. Zhou, and C. Meek, 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 18-24, 2008. |
126. |
On the seasonal dependence of midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 18-24, 2008. |
125. |
Ionization production in relation with Sprites and elves, A. Mika and C. Haldoupis, International Space Science Institute, Europlanet workshop on Planetary Atmospheric Electricity, Bern, Switzerland, July 23-17, 2007. (invited A. M.). |
124. |
An Overview on mid-latitude sporadic E layers, Canadian Association of Physics 2007 Congress, June 17-20, 2007, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (invited).. |
123. |
“Early” type VLF perturbations observed in relation with sprites and elves during the Eurosprite campaigns, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, T. Neubert, U. Inan, R. Steiner, and S. Shalimov, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April, 16-20, 2007. |
122. |
Neutral Atmosphere wave forcing of midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April, 16-20, 2007 (invited).. |
121. |
Comparison of the performance of the OmniPAL and Stanford VLF receivers, A. Mika, C. Haldoupis, J. Lichtenberger, and U. S. Inan, VERSIM Workshop, Sodankyla, Finland, September, 26-30, 2006. |
120. |
Proposed Interpretation of Early/slow VLF events in relation with sprites, S. Shalimov, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, R. Steiner, T. Neubert, U. Inan, and T. Bossinger, VERSIM Workshop, Sodankyla, Finland, September, 26-30, 2006. |
119. |
Modeling of red sprites as a part of interesting column segments in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, A. Mika, D. Nunn, and C. Haldoupis, VERSIM Workshop, Sodankyla, Finland, September, 26-30, 2006. |
118. |
Midlatitude Sporadic E layers. A review of recent progress and remaining questions, C. Haldoupis, 3rd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere/Ionosphere System, Varna, Bulgaria, September 18-22, 2006 (invited).. |
117. |
Early/slow events: a new category of VLF perturbations observed in relation with sprites, C. Haldoupis, R. Steiner, A. Mika, S. Shalimov, and R. A. Marshall, 3rd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Verical Coupling in the Atmosphere/Ionosphere System, Varna, Bulgaria, September 18-22, 2006. |
116. |
Terdiurnal tidelike variability in midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, The 36th COSPAR scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July 16-23, 2006. |
115. |
Long lasting meteor induced backscatter (MIB) observed at 50 MHz. Doppler spectrum characteristics and implications, C. Haldoupis and A, Bourdillon, The 36th COSPAR scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July 16-23, 2006. |
114. |
Lightning discharges processes generating carrot and column sprites, O. van der Velde, A. Mika, S. Soula, C. Haldoupis, and U. Inan, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April, 02-07, 2006. |
113. |
Tidal effects on midlatitude sporadic E layers inferred from ionogram Height-Time-Intensity observations, C. Haldoupis, C. Meek, N. Christakis, D. Pancheva, and A. Bourdillon, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07, 2006. |
112. |
On observations of Pc1/IPDP type geomagnetic pulsations at low latitude, T. Bosinger, J. Kangas, C. Haldoupis, T. Turunen, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07, 2006. |
111. |
Long duration meteor echoes characterized by Doppler spectrum bifurcation, A. Bourdillon, C. Haldoupis, C. Hanuise, Y. Le Roux, and J. Menard, XXXVII General Assembly, International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, 23-29, 2005. |
110. |
Radio backscatter studies of the unstable midlatitude E region ionosphere made in the European sector, C. Haldoupis, XXXVII General Assembly, International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, 23-29, 2005 (invited). |
109. |
A study of tidal and planetary wave periodicities present in midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis and D. Pancheva, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), 10thInternational Assembly, Toulouse, France, July 18029, 2005. |
108. |
VLF perturbations observed in one-to-one association with sprites, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, T. Neubert, U. Inan, and T. Allin, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), 10th International Assembly, Toulouse, France, July 18029, 2005. |
107. |
Is there a unique signature in the ULF response to sprite-associated lightning flashes? T. Bossinger, S. Shalimov, A. Mika, and C. Haldoupis, CAL Midterm review and Science Meeting, Elounda, Crete, Greece, June 20-24, 2005. |
106. |
A study on VLF perturbations and transient luminous events using the EuroSprite 2003 observations, A. Mika, and C. Haldoupis, CAL Midterm review and Science Meeting, Elounda, Greece, June 20-24, 2005. |
105. |
A search for sprite-related VLF signatures in the frequency Domain, C. Haldoupis, C. Meek, and A. Mika, CAL Midterm review and Science Meeting, Elounda, Crete, Greece, June 20-24, 2005. |
104. |
Using ionosonde-height-intensity measurements in a new methodology for studying the tidal variability of descending sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, C. Meek, and D. Pancheva, 11th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Taipei, Taiwan, May 8-14, 2005. |
103. |
Is there an electron density gradient effect on meter-scale Farley-Buneamn plasma waves? C. Haldoupis, T. Ogawa, K. Schlegel, J. A. Koehler, and T. Ono, 11th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Taipei, Taiwan, May 8-14, 2005. |
102. |
Subionospheric VLF signal perturbations observed in one-to-one association with sprites, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, T. Neubert, nad U. S. Inan, 11th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Taipei, Taiwan, May 8-14, 2005 (invited). |
101. |
The European sprite 2003 Campaign, M. Rycroft, …. C. Haldoupis, 2nd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Vertical coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, Bath, UK, July 12-15, 2004. |
100. |
Tidal and planetary wave forcing of midlatitude sporadic E layers, C. Haldoupis, 2nd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Vertical coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, Bath, UK, July 12-15, 2004 (invited). |
99. |
Observations of VLF perturbations in relation with sprites, and implications, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, T. Neubert, U. Inan, T. Bossinger, T. Allin, and T. Wood, 2nd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Vertical coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, Bath, UK, July 12-15, 2004. |
98. |
A mechanism for generation of midlatitude spread F at mesoscale, C. Haldoupis, European Geosciences Union, 1st General Assembly, Nice France, April 25-30, 2004. |
97. |
VLF and ULF observations from Crete during sprite occurrences over a thunderstorm in southern France, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, T. Bosinger, T. Neubert, U. Inan, and T. Wood, European Geosciences Union, 1stGeneral Assembly, Nice France, April 25-30, 2004. |
96. |
ULF response at a meridional chain of stations to lightning/sprite events, T. Bosinger, A. Mika, and C. Haldoupis, European Geosciences Union, 1st General Assembly, Nice France, April 25-30, 2004. |
95. |
The Sprite 2003 campaign, T. Neubert, ..., C. Haldoupis et al., European Geosciences Union, 1st General Assembly, Nice France, April 25-30, 2004. |
94. |
A new mechanism for generation of mesoscale spread F at midlatitude, C. Haldoupis and M. C. Kelley, IAGA/ICMA 3rd Workshop on Solar forcing of the middle Atmosphere, Prague, Check Republic, September 15-18, 2003. |
93. |
A survey of present knowledge of the unstable sporadic E layers at midlatitude, C. Haldoupis, XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodecy and Geophysics (IUGG), Sapporo, Japan, June 30 – July 11, 2003 (invited). |
92. |
Continuous wave interferometer observations of midlatitude E region backscatter, C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, A. Kamburelis, G. Hussey, and J. Koehler, 10th International Workshop on technical and Scientific Aspects of MST radar, p 118-121, Piura, Peru, May 13-20, 2003. |
91. |
Sporadic E layer dependence on planetary waves. An event study showing an indirect relationship through modulated atmospheric tides, C. Haldoupis and D. Pancheva, 10th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST radar, p 164-167, Piura, Peru, May 13-20, 2003. |
90. |
The role of unstable sporadic E layers in the generation of spread F, C. Haldoupis, M. C. Kelley, G. C. Hussey, and S. Shalimov, 10th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST radar, Piura, Peru, May 13-20, 2003. |
89. |
Midlatitude E region bulk motions inferred from Coherent HF radar backscatter and ionospnde measurements, G. Hussey, C. Haldooupis, A. Bourdillon, and J. Delloue, 10th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST radar, Piura, Peru, May 13-20, 2003. |
88. |
HF radar observations of long period quasi-periodic backscatter in the sporadic E region, A. Bourrdillon, C. Haldoupis and J. Delloue, EGS XXVIII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 20, 2003. |
87. |
A review on thunderstorm effects on the ionosphere observed with ground based radars and in situ with rockets, C. Haldoupis, European Science Foundation, SPECIAL II Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, February 20-23, 2003 (invited).. |
86. |
Evidence of a role for modulated tides in the dependence of sporadic E layers on planetary waves, D. Pancheva, C. Haldoupis, C. Meek, A. Manson, and N. Mitchell, 34th COSPAR Assembly, Houston, USA, October 10-19, 2002. |
85. |
Midlatitude sporadic E layers and Planetary waves. Evidence for a close relationship, C. Haldoupis and D. Pancheva, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 24, 2002. |
84. |
Radar observation of kinetic effects at meter scales for Farley-Buneman plasma waves, C. Haldoupis, K. Schlegel, J. Koehler, and G. Hussey, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 24, 2002. |
83. |
Planetary waves and midlatitude sporadic E layers: Strong experimental evidence for a close relationship, C. Haldoupis and D. Pancheva, IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 2001. |
82. |
50 MHz continuous wave (CW) interferometry of midlatitude sporadic E irregulartities, C. Haldoupis, A. Kamburelis, K. Schlegel, and A. Bourdillon, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, March 27, 2001. |
81. |
Zonal characteristics of radar echoes from the midlatitude E region ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, G. Hussey, A. Bourdillon and J. Delloue, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, March 27, 2001. |
80. |
A new mechanism for midlatitude E region plasma accumulation driven by planetary wave horizontal wind shears, S. Shalimov, C. Haldoupis, and K. Schlegel, 10 International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Antalya, Turkey, May 17-23, 2000. |
79. |
Long term variations in midlatitude E region coherent radar backscatter and sporadic E layers . Evidence for a relation with planetary waves, C. Haldoupis, M. Voiculescu, D. Pancheva, and S. Shalimov, 10 International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Antalya, Turkey, May 17-23, 2000. |
78. |
50 MHz continuous wave interferometry observations from the unstable midlatitude E region ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, A. Kamburelis, K. Schlegel, and A. Bourdillon, 10 International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, Antalya, Turkey, May 17-23, 2000. |
77. |
Properties of magnetic background noise at L=1.3 between 0.1 and 5 Hz, T. Bosinger, K. Mursula, P. P. Belyaev, C. Haldoupis, and V. Angelopoulos, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, April 29, 2000. |
76. |
Interferometric observations of decameter sporadic E irregularities with the Valensole radar, A. Bourdillon and C. Haldoupis, EGS XXV General Assembly, Nice, France, April 29, 2000. |
75. |
Recent studies of midlatitude E region coherent radar backscatter, C. Haldoupis, 9th International workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST (mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere) radar - MST 9, Toulouse, France, March 13-18, 2000 (invited). |
74. |
Evidence for planetary wave role in midlatitide backscatter and sporadic E occurrence, M. Voiculescu, C. Haldoupis, and K. Schlegel, (poster) 9th International EISCAT workshop, Wernigerode, Germany, September 6-10, 1999. |
73. |
Auroral E region electron density gradients measured with EISCAT, C. Haldoupis, K. Schlegel, and G. Hussey, 9th International EISCAT workshop, Wernigerode, Germany, September 6-10, 1999. |
72. |
Long-term variations in midlatitude E region coherent backscatter and a relation to planetary wave activity in the lower thermosphere, (poster) C. Haldoupis, M. Voiculescu, K. Schlegel, and D. Pancheva, XXVI General Assembly, International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Toronto, Canada, August 13-21, 1999. |
71. |
Dual radar frequency (50 and 144 MHz) coheren backscatter observations from 3-meter and 1-meter irregularities in the midlatitude E region ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, J. A. Koehler, K. Schegel and G. C. Hussey, XXVI General Assembly, International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Toronto, Canada, August 13-21, 1999. |
70. |
Spatial occurrence of midlatitude E region decametre wavelength irregularities, G. C. Hussey, C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, and D. Andre, XXVI General Assembly, International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Toronto, Canada, August 13-21, 1999. |
69. |
Evidence for planetary wave effects on midlatitude backscatter and sporadic E layer occurrence, M. Voiculescu, C. Haldoupis and K. Schlegel, 9th Scientific Assembly, International Union of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), Birmingham, UK, July 19-30, 1999. |
68. |
First 50 MHz continuous wave interferometry measurements of licalized backscatter regions in the midlatitude E region ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, A. Kamburelis, and K. Schlegel, 9th Scientific Assembly, International Union of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), Birmingham, UK, July 19-30, 1999. |
67. |
Large polarization electric fields associated with midlatitude sporadic E, S. Shalimov, C. Haldoupis, and K. Schlegel, (poster) 9th Scientific Assembly, International Union of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), Birmingham, UK, July 19-30, 1999. |
66. |
Spatial distribution of E-region decametre wavelength irregularities observed by the high frequency Valensole radar, G. Hussey, C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, J. Delloue, and D. Andre, 9th Scientific Assembly, International Union of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), Birmingham, UK, July 19-30, 1999. |
65. |
Valensole radar observations of midlatitude sporadic E backscatter at HF frequrencies, A. Bourdillon and C. Haldoupis, European Geophysical Society XXIV General assembly, The Hague, April 19-23, 1999. |
64. |
Farley-Buneman plasma waves in the midlatitude E region ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, K. Schlegel, D. T. Farley, J. A. Koehler, and S. Shalimov, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 21-24, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998. |
63. |
Coherent backscatter studies of ionospheric irregularities associated with sporadic E, C. Haldoupis, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 21-24, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998 (invited).. |
62. |
Wavelength Dependence of Doppler spectrum width in HF midlatitude E region coherent backscatter, C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, J. Delloue, and G. Hussey, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Uppsala, Sweeden, Aug 5 to Aug 13, 1997. |
61. |
Simultaneous observations of midlatitude E region coherent radar echoes at 50 MHz and 144 MHz, J. A. Koehler, C. Haldoupis, and K. Schlegel, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Uppsala, Sweeden, Aug 5 to Aug 13, 1997. |
60. |
A review on radio studies of midlatitude E region ionospheric irregularities, C. Haldoupis, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Uppsala, Sweeden, Aug 5 to Aug 13, 1997 (invited). |
59. |
Midlatitude E region coherent backscatter and digital ionosonde simultaneous observations, G. Hussey, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, Canadian Association of Physicists, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, June 8-11, 1997. |
58. |
Simultaneous coherent backscatter and digisonde observations in the midlatitude E region, G. Hussey, K. Schlegel, and C. Haldoupis, European Geophysical Society annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 21-26, 1997. |
57. |
A. Bourdillon, E. Lefur, Y. LeRoux, J. Menard, C. Haldoupis, J. Delloue, HF radar observation of mid-latitude sporadic E scattering and comparison with vertical sounder measurements, URSI XXV General Assembly, Lille, France, Aug. 28 - Sept 5, 1996. |
56. |
C. Haldoupis, A. Bourdillon, M. Six and J. Delloue, Midlatitude E region coherent backscatter observed simultaneously at two HF radar frequencies, (poster) URSI XXV General Assembly, Lille, France, Aug. 28 - Sept 5, 1996. |
55. |
K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, SESCAT. A 50 MHz radio Doppler experiment for mid-latitude E-region coherent backscatter studies, 7th Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST/ST radar, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, Nov. 7-11, 1995. |
54. |
Coherent backscatter from the E-region/mesosphere over Crete/Greece, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, 7th Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST/ST radar, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, Nov. 7-11, 1995. |
53. |
An electron thermal diffusion instability as a potential mechanism for the generation of type 3 irregularities in the auroral E region, S. Shalimov, and C. Haldoupis, Workshop on E-region plasma instabilities, MPAE-EGS, Lindau, Germany 24-27 October, 1995. |
52. |
A multi-frequency backscatter study of decameter scale plasma irregularities in the midlatituide E region, G. Hussey, J. Delloue, A. Bourdillon, C. Haldoupis and M. Six, Workshop on E-region plasma instabilities, MPAE-EGS, Lindau, Germany 24-27 October, 1995. |
51. |
Decameter midlatitude sporadic E irregularities in relation with the layer's altitude and ground magnetic field variations, A. Bourdillon, E. Lefeur, C. Haldoupis, Y. LeRoux, J. Menard, J. Delloue, Workshop on E-region plasma instabilities, MPAE-EGS, Lindau, Germany 24-27 October, 1995. |
50. |
On midlatitude ionosphere E region type 1 echoes. Observational characteristics and a possible interpretation, C. Haldoupis, K. Schlegel, D. T. Farley, Workshop on E-region plasma instabilities, MPAE-EGS, Lindau, Germany 24-27 October, 1995. |
49. |
New results from midlatitude E-region coherent backscatter observed with SESCAT, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, Workshop on E-region plasma instabilities, MPAE-EGS, Lindau, Germany 24-27 October, 1995. |
48. |
Localized and strongly unstable plasma regions in the auroral E region ionosphere, J. A. Koehler, G. J. Sofko, and C. Haldoupis, XX General Asembly, Hamburg, 3-7 April, 1995. |
47. |
Observations of decameter wavelength irregularrities in the midlatitude ionosphere, A. Bourdillon, J. Delloue, and C. Haldoupis, XX General Assembly, Hamburg, 3-7 April, 1995. |
46. |
Characteristics of midlatitude E region coherent backscatter obtained with SESCAT, C. Haldoupis and K. Schlegel, XX General Assembly, Hamburg, 3-7 April, 1995. |
45. |
Electrical currents and Farley-Buneman turbulence in midlatitude sporadic E-layers, V. A, Liperovsky, C.-V. Meister, C. Haldoupis, and K. Schlegel, XIX General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Grenoble, France, May, 1994. |
44. |
Evidence of the modified two stream plasma instability occurring at midlatitudes, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, XIX General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Grenoble, France, May, 1994. |
43. |
HF radar backscatter observations from magnetic aspect sensitive irregularities in the midlatitude E-region ionosphere, A. Bourdillon, C. Haldoupis and J. Delloues, ESGAP (Electromagnetic Scattering from Gases and Plasmas) Workshop, Aussois, France, March 20-24, 1994. |
42. |
Auroral radar frequency broadening measurements at large aspect angles and comparison with theory, C. Haldoupis, J. A. Koehler, and G. J. Sofko, ESGAP (Electromagnetic Scattering from Gases and Plasmas) Workshop, Aussois, France, March 20-24, 1994. |
41. |
Mid-latitude E-region irregularity studies with the Valensole HF-radar, J. Delloue, A. Bourdillon, and C. Haldoupis, CAP (Canadian Association of Physicists) DASP (Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Feb. 20-23, 1994. |
40. |
A joint study of SAPPHIRE radar aurora and all-sky optical aurora, J. Mu, G. Sofko, J. Koehler, C. Haldoupis, and G. Hussey, CAP (Canadian Association of Physicists) DASP (Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Feb. 20-23, 1994. |
39. |
On the role of destabilizing plasma density gradients in the generation of type 3 echoes of VHF radar aurora, C. Haldoupis, G. J. Sofko, and J. A. Koehler, CAP (Canadian Association of Physicists) DASP (Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Feb. 20-23, 1994. |
38. |
50 MHz observations of mid-latitude ionospheric E-region coherent backscatter, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25 - Sept. 2, 1993. |
37. |
A new instability mechanism for the generation of Type 3 irregularities in the auroral plasma, C. Haldoupis and S. Shalimov, XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25 - Sept. 2, 1993. |
36. |
Some key experimental facts and interpretation propositions for Type 3 radio auroral echoes, C. Haldoupis, XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25 - Sept. 2, 1993 (invited). |
35. |
Observations of radio auroral backscatter at 140 MHz during E-region electron gas heating, C. Haldoupis, K. Schlegel, and E. Nielsen, XVIII General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 3-7, 1993. |
34. |
Observations of coherent backscatter from mid latitude sporadic E layers with a new coherent 50 MHz radar, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, XVIII General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 3-7, 1993. |
33. |
Scattering phenomena of radio waves from plasma irregularities in the E-region of the earth's ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Solar and Space Physics, Xanthi, April 26-29, 1993 (invited). |
32. |
Ein neues 50 MHz Doppler radar zur Untersuchung Kohaerenter Rueckstreuung in poradischen E-Schchten Mittlerer Breiten, K. Schlegel and C. Haldoupis, Poster, FRG, 1992. |
31. |
A new radio Doppler experiment for mid-latitude E-region coherent backscatter studies, C. Haldoupis and K. Schlegel, 1st Panhellenic Astronomical Conference, Athens, Sept 21-23, 1992. |
30. |
SESCAT - A new 50 MHz Radio Doppler System for Coherent Backscatter Studies of Mid-Latitude Sporadic E-layers : System Description and First Results, K. Schlegel, and C. Haldoupis, Workshop on Coupling,Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions, Boulder, Colorado, June 18-20, 1992. |
29. |
Vertical Interferometry of the auroral E-region with a coherent radar, E. Nielsen, H. M. Ierkic, C. Haldoupis, and D. R. Moorcroft, American Geophysical Union 1991 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Callifornia, December 9-13, 1991. |
28. |
Ionospheric sporadic E modification prior to earthquakes, Liperovskaja E. V., S. L. Shalimov, V. A. Liperovsky, O. Alimov, L. E. Kolokolov, and C. Haldoupis, IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) XX General Assembly, Vienna, August 11-24, 1991. |
27. |
Observational Characteristics of Type 3 echoes of VHF Radar Aurora, C. Haldoupis, North American Radio Science meeting and IEEE/AP-S symposium, London, Ontario, Canada, June 24-28, 1991. |
26. |
Type 4 echoes: Evidence for resonant 3-wave coupling in the auroral plasma, C. Haldoupis, G. Sofko, J. A. Koehler and D. Danskin, XVI General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, April 22-26, 1991. |
25. |
A new look at type 4 Doppler spectra of radar aurora, G. J. Sofko, J. A. Koehler, C. Haldoupis, P. Prikryl, D. Andre, and M. McKibben, XXII URSI (International Union for Radio Science) General Assembly, Prague, Aug. 28 - Sept. 5, 1990. |
24. |
Direct comparison of 1-meter irregularity phase velocities and ion acoustic speeds in the auroral E-region ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, and K. Schlegel, XXIIrd URSI (International Union for Radio Science) General Assembly, Prague, 28 August-5 September, 1990. |
23. |
Continuous wave radio interferometry for studying short term dynamics of localized scatter regions in the auroral electrojets, C. Haldoupis, G. Sofko, J. Koehler, and P. Prikryl, XXIIrd URSI (International Union for Radio Science) General Assembly, Prague, 28 August- 5 September, 1990. |
22. |
Investigation of the wind regime in Lasithi Plateau, a high altitude plain in Crete where traditional windmill pumps are still in use, C. Haldoupis, British Wind Energy Association 12 Annual Conference, Norwich, March 28-30, 1990. |
21. |
Wind potential studies in the island of Crete: A brief summary of past and present studies, C. Haldoupis and T. Kamburelis, 2nd European Symposium on Soft Energy Sources and Systems at the Local Level, Chania, Crete, October 16-21, 1989. |
20. |
Dependence of radar auroral scattering cross section on the ambient electron density and the destabizing electric field, C. Haldoupis, E. Nielsen and K. Schlegel, IAGA, 6th Scientific Assembly, Exeter, UK, July 24- Aug 4, 1989. |
19. |
Very large phase velocitites of non two stream meter scale irregularities in the high latitude Eregion ionosphere, C. Haldoupis and E. Nielsen, IAGA 6th Scientific Assembly, Exeter, UK, July 24- Aug 4, 1989. |
18. |
An update of Stare Doppler spectrum studies of high latitude 1-meter ionospheric irregularities, C. Haldoupis and E. Nielsen, European Geophysical Society, XIV General Assembly, Barcelona, March 13-19, 1989. |
17. |
Siting and installation study of a 150 kW wind energy conversion system in Anogia Crete, A. Zervos, S. Garifallakis, D. Papastefanakis and C. Haldoupis, 3rd National Conference on Renewable Energy Sources, Thessaloniki, November 9-11, 1988. |
16. |
Radio observations of 3-meter irregularities at large magnetic aspect angles in the polar cap E-region, C. Haldoupis, J. A. Koehler, M. McKibben and G. J. Sofko, Advanced Research Workshop on Electromagnetic coupling in the polar clefts and caps, Lillehammer, Norway, 20-24, Sept., 1988. |
15. |
A review on radio studies of auroral E-region ionospheric irregularities, C. Haldoupis, AGARD symposium On Ionospheric structure and Variability on a Global Scale and Interaction with Atmosphere and Mgnetosphere, Munich, 16-20 May, 1988 (invited).. |
14. |
High resolution optical and Doppler radar observations of aurora, G. Sofko, J. Koehler, P. Prikryl, D. Andre, M. McKibben and C. Haldoupis, Workshop on Auroral Dynamics, Saskatoon, Canada, 23-26, August, 1987. |
13. |
Aspect sensitivity statistics of 3-meter secondary auroral irregularities, C. Haldoupis, J. A. Koehler, and G. J. Sofko, XII General Assembly, European Geophysical Sosiety, Strasbourg, France, 9-14 April, 1987. |
12. |
On ion acoustic plasma waves at large magnetic aspect angles in the high latitude E region of the ionosphere, C. Haldoupis, G. J. Sofko, and J. A. Koehler, COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Toulouse, France, June 30 - July 12, 1986. |
11. |
On weak striated echoes in the morning sector of VHF radar aurora, C. Haldoupis, E. Nielsen and G. Sofko, North American Radio Science Meeting and International IEEE/AP-S Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, June 1985 (abstract in URSI Bulletin, p. 459). |
10. |
Doppler spectrum anisotropy observed in one meter irregularity auroral backscatter, C. Haldoupis, P. Hoeg, and E. Nielsen, 11th Lindau MPAE worckshop on: Irregularities in the High Latitude Inosphere, Lindau, W. Germany, September 1984. |
9. |
STARE Doppler spectral studies of radio auroral irregularities, Haldoupis, C., E. Nielsen, and H. M. Ierkic, 11th Lindau MPAE workshop on : Irregularities in the High Latitude Ionosphere, Lindau, W. Germany, September, 1984. |
8. |
Comparison between ground based photometer and radar auroral observations 1. : A presubstorm event study, Maseide, K., C. Haldoupis, B. Lybbek, and E. Nielsen, 12th Annual Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1984. |
7. |
Directional and dynamic variations of auroral power spectra relative to the ionospheric electron drift velocity, Nielsen, E., C. Haldoupis, B. G. Fejer, and H. M. Ierkic, Poster, XVIII IUGG General Assembly, Humburg, W. Germany, Aug. 1983 (abst. in IAGA Bulletin No 48, P. 312). |
6. |
Results on the relative strength of 1-meter (140 MHz) radio auroral irregularities, Haldoupis, C. and E. Nielsen, Poster presented in XVIII IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) General Assembly, Hamburg, W. Germany, Aug. 1983 (abstract in IAGA Bulletin No 48, p. 313). |
5. |
Experimental evidence on the dependence of 140 MHz radar auroral backscatter characteristics on ionospheric conductivity, Haldoupis, C., E. Nielsen and C. K. Goertz, American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 1982 (abstract in EOS Vol. 63, p. 396). |
4. |
Microstructure of irregular magnetic pulsations (PiB-type) and electron precipitation during substorm onset, Holtet, J., ..., Haldoupis, C. et al., 4th IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy) Scientific Assembly, Edimburg, UK, Aug. 1981, (abstract in IAGA Bulletin No 45, p. 407). |
3. |
On the performance of periodogram and maximum entropy method of spectral analysis, Haldoupis, C., Norwegian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, Tromso, Norway, 1980. |
2. |
Evidence of ion acoustic plasma waves in radio auroral E-region, Haldoupis, C. and G. Sofko, Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, Saskatoon, Canada, June 1977. |
1. |
Doppler spectral characteristics of 42 MHz CW auroral backscatter, Haldoupis, C., and G. Sofko, DASP (Canadian Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics), Calgary, Canada, 1976. |