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Overlaying two images

When ISOCONT is used with two images as inputs, the astrometry of IMAGE_1 (the color image) is taken by default as reference. This means that IMAGE_2 is transformed in order to match the astrometry of IMAGE_1 and to be superimposed on it as a contour plot. If one wishes to have IMAGE_1 displayed as a color image using the astrometry of IMAGE_2 as reference, one should set REF=2. Then IMAGE_1 will be transformed in order to match the astrometry of IMAGE_2. (See Fig. 11)

When two images from two different wavelength ranges are superimposed, their respective resolutions can be very different. Using ISOCONT the resolution of one image may be decreased seriously in order to match that of the reference image. The MAGNIFY keyword allows the user to rebin (taking nearest neighbor values by default) the reference image with an expansion factor in order to virtually improve its resolution and make the graph look nicer. If the bilinear interpolation is prefered to the nearest neighbor method, the /NOSAMPLE keyword should be to be used (see above section 3.1) (See Fig.12)

Thu Apr 16 16:25:31 MET DST 1998