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We are in the process of developing a new hemispherical spectrograph for use in high resolution zero-degree Auger projectile spectroscopy [1]. Recently, the performance of our spectrograph operating in low resolution mode was reported [2] for measurements of projectile Auger electrons at zero-degrees to the beam direction. First attempts to run the spectrograph in high resolution mode by measuring the well known tex2html_wrap_inline197 Resonance Transfer and Excitation (RTE) line were reported in [3]. In this paper we report on further high resolution tests of our apparatus in which the electrons are decelerated prior to energy analysis to improve the overall energy resolution. Thus we test the energy resolution and the invariance of the single differential cross section (SDCS) for various projectile Auger lines as a function of the deceleration factor.

Theo Tzouros
Wed Oct 14 12:01:08 EET 1998