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Στατιστικά έως 1η Φεβ. 2025 Δημοσιεύσεις σε περιοδικά με κριτές: 256 Σύνολο αναφορων: ~19,300 h-index: 70 Γραφικά από το NASA/ADS |
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά με Κριτές
2025 - [4]
- J. A. Kader, V. U, L. Barcos-Muñoz, M. Bianchin, S. T. Linden, Y. Song, G. Canalizo, A. Aravindan, G. C. Privon, T. Díaz-Santos, C. Hayward, M. A. Malkan, L.Armus, R. C. McGurk11, J. A. Rich, A. M. Medling, S. Stierwalt, C. E. Max, A. S. Evans, C. J. Agostino, V. Charmandaris, T. Gao, J. H. Howell, H. Inami, K. L. Larson, C. D. Martin, M. Matuszewski, J. M. Mazzarella, J. D. Neill, N. Z. Prusinski, R. Remigio, D. Sanders, and J. Surace,
"The Past, Present, and Future of a Precessing Jet-Driven Outflow in Early Interaction Pair VV 340",
2025, Science (in press)
- R. Fernández Aranda, T. Díaz Santos, E. Hatziminaoglou, M. Aravena, L. Armus, R. J. Assef, A.W. Blain,
V. Charmandaris, R. Decarli, P.R.M. Eisenhardt, J. González-López, H.D. Jun, G. Li, M. Liao,
D. Stern, C.-W. Tsai, A. Vayner, J. Wu, D. Zewdie
"Spatially resolved dust properties over 50 kpc in a hyperluminous galaxy merger at z = 4.6",
2025, A&A (in press @arXiv:2501.10503)
- G.P. Donnelly, T. Lai, L. Armus, T. Dıaz-Santos, K.L. Larson, L. Barcos-Munoz, M. Bianchin, T. Bohn, T. Boker, V.A. Buiten, V. Charmandaris,
A.S. Evans, J.H. Howell, H. Inami, D. Kakkad, L. Lenkic, S.T. Linden, C.M. Lofaro, M. A. Malkan, A.M. Medling, G.C. Privon, C. Ricci, J.D.T. Smith, Y. Song,
S. Stierwalt, P. van der Werf, V. U,
"A Spectroscopically Calibrated Prescription for Extracting PAH Flux from JWST MIRI Imaging",
2025, ApJ (in press @arXiv:2501.19397)
- A. Saravia, E. Rodas-Quito, L. Barcos-Munoz, A. Evans, D. Kunneriath, G. Privon, Y. Song, I. Yoon,
K.L. Emig, M. Sanchez-Garcia, S. Linden, K. Green, M. Johnstone, J. Nagarajan-Swenson, E. Monjian, L. Armus,
V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, C. Eibensteiner, J. Howell, H. Inami, J.A. Kader, C. Ricci, E. Treister,
V. U, T. Bohn, and D.B. Sanders
"The Arp 240 Galaxy Merger: A Detailed Look at the Molecular Kennicutt-Schmidt Star Formation Law on Sub-kpc Scales",
2025, ApJ 979, 217
2024 - [8]
- Abdalla et al. (including V. Charmandaris)
"Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Summary of the Second Workshop",
2024, @arXiv:2412.14960)
T. Bohn, H. Inami, A. Togi, L. Armus, T. S-Y. Lai, L. Barcos-Munoz, Y. Song, S.T. Linden, J. Surace, M. Bianchin, V. U., A.S. Evans, T. Boker, M. A. Malkan, K.L. Larson, S. Stierwalt, V.A. Buiten, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, J. Howell, G.C. Privon, C. Ricci, P. van der Werf, S. Aalto, C.C. Hayward, J.A. Kader, J.M. Mazzarella, F. Muller-Sanchez, and D.B. Sanders "GOALS-JWST: The Warm Molecular Outflows of the Merging Starburst Galaxy NGC 3256", 2024, ApJ 977, 36 - S.T. Linden, T. Lai, A.S. Evans, L. Armus, K.L. Larson, J.A. Rich, V. U, G.C. Privon, H. Inami, Y. Song, M. Bianchin, T. Bohn, V.A. Buiten, M. Sanchez-Garcia, J. Kader, L. Lenkic, A.M. Medling, T. Boker T. Dıaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, L. Barcos-Munoz, P. van der Werf, S. Stierwalt, S. Aalto, P. Appleton, C. C. Hayward, J.H. Howell, M. A. Malkan, J. M. Mazzarella, E.J. Murphy, and J. Surace "GOALS-JWST: Constraining the Emergence Timescale for Massive Star Clusters in NGC 3256", 2024, ApJ 974, 27
- Abent et al. (including V. Charmandaris) "Terrestrial very-long-baseline atom interferometry: Workshop summary", AVS Quantum Science, Volume 6, Issue 2, id.02470s
- V. A. Buiten, P.P. van der Werf, S. Viti, L. Armus, L. Barcos-Munoz, A.S. Evans, H. Inami, S.T. Linden Y. Song, J.A. Rich, S. Aalto, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos. C. C. Hayward, C. Ricci, and V. U, "GOALS-JWST: Mid-Infrared Molecular Gas Excitation Probes the Local Conditions of Nuclear Star Clusters and the AGN in the LIRG VV 114", 2024, ApJ 966, 166
- M. Bianchin, V. U., Y. Song, T. S-Y. Lai, R.P. Remigio, L. Barcos-Munoz, T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, H. Inami, K.L. Larson, A.S. Evans, T. Boker, J.A. Kader, S.T. Linden, V. Charmandaris, M. A. Malkan, J. Rich, T. Bohn, A.M. Medling, S. Stierwalt, J. M. Mazzarella, D.R. Law, G.C. Privon, S. Aalto, P. Appleton, P. Appleton, M.J., Brown, V.A. Buiten, L. Finnerty, C.C. Hayward, J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, J. Marshall, J. McKinney, F. Muller-Sanchez, E.J. Murphy, P. van der Werf, D. Sanders, and J. Surace, "GOALS-JWST: Gas Dynamics and Excitation in NGC 7469 revealed by NIRSpec", 2024, ApJ 965, 103
- G.P. Donnelly, J.D.T. Smith, B.T. Draine, A. Togi, T.S.-Y. Lai, L. Armus, D.A. Dale, and V. Charmandaris, "The Impact of an AGN on PAH Emission in Galaxies: the Case of Ring Galaxy NGC 4138", 2024, ApJ 965, 75
- R. Fernández Aranda, Tanio Díaz Santos, E. Hatziminaoglou, R. J. Assef, M. Aravena, P.R.M. Eisenhardt, C. Ferkinhoff, A. Pensabene, T. Nikola, P. Andreani, A. Vishwas, G.J. Stacey, R. Decarli, A.W. Blain, D. Brisbin, V. Charmandaris, H.D. Jun, G. Li, M. Liao, L.R. Martin, D. Stern, C.-W. Tsai, J. Wu, and D. Zewdie, "A benchmark for extreme conditions of the multiphase interstellar medium in the most luminous hot dust-obscured galaxy, at z = 4.6", 2024, A&A, 682, 166
2023 - [7]
- N. Kovakkuni, F. Lelli, P.-A. Duc, M. Boquien, J. Braine, E. Brinks, V. Charmandaris, F. Combes, J. Fensch, S. S. McGaugh, U. Lisenfeld, J. C. Mihos, M. S. Pawlowski, Y. Revaz, P. M. Weilbacher, "Molecular and Ionized Gas in Tidal Dwarf Galaxies: The Spatially Resolved Star-formation Relation", 2023, MNRAS, 526, 1940
- T. S-Y. Lai, L. Armus, M. Bianchin, T. Diaz-Santos, S. Linden, G.C. Privon, H. Inami, V. U., T. Bohn, A. Evans, B. S. Hensley, J-D.T. Smith, M. A. Malkan, T. Song, S. Stierwalt, P. van der Werf, J. McKinney, S. Aalto, V. Buiten, J. Rich, V. Charmandaris, P. Appleton, L. Barcos-Munoz, T. Boker, L. Finnerty, J. A. Kader, D. R. Law, A.M. Medling, M.J., Brown, C.C. Hayward, J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, J. Marshall, J. M. Mazzarella, F. Muller-Sanchez, E.J. Murphy, D. Sanders, and J. Surace, "GOALS-JWST: Small neutral grains and enhanced 3.3 micron PAH emission in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469", 2023, ApJ 957, 26
V. Daskalopoulou, P. Raptis, A. Tsekeri, V. Amiridis, S. Kazadzis, Z. Ulanowski, V. Charmandaris, K. Tassis, W. Martin, "Observations of Dust Particle Orientation with the SolPol direct sun polarimeter", 2023, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Vol. 16, 4529–4550
- S.T. Linden, A.S. Evans, L. Armus, J.A. Rich, K.L. Larson, T. Lai, G. C. Privon, V. U, H. Inami, T. Bohn, Y. Song, L. Barcos-Munoz, V. Charmandaris, A. M. Medling, S. Stierwalt, T. Diaz-Santos, T. Boker, P. van der Werf, S. Aalto, Philip Appleton, Michael J. I. Brown, C.C. Hayward, J. H. Howell, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, D. T. Frayer, D. Law, M. A. Malkan, J. Marshall, J. M. Mazzarella, E.J. Murphy, D. Sanders, and J. Surace, "GOALS-JWST: Revealing the Buried Star Clusters in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114", 2023, ApJ Letters, 944, 55
- J. Rich, S. Aalto, A.S. Evans, V. Charmandaris, G.C. Privon, T. Lai, H. Inami, S. Linden, L. Armus, T. Diaz-Santos, P. Appleton, L. Barcos-Muñoz, T. Böker, K.L. Larson, D.R. Law, M. Malkan, A.M. Medling, Y. Song, V. U, P. van der Werf, T. Bohn, M.J.I. Brown, L. Finnerty, C. Hayward, J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, J. Marshall, J.M. Mazzarella, J. McKinney, F. Muller-Sanchez, E.J. Murphy, D. Sanders, B.T. Soifer, S. Stierwalt, J. Surace, "GOALS-JWST: Pulling Back the Curtain on the AGN and Star Formation in VV 114", 2023, ApJ Letters, 944, 50
- L. Armus, T. Lai, V. U, K.L. Larson, T. Dıaz-Santos, A.S. Evans, M.A. Malkan, J. Rich, A. M. Medling, D. R. Law, H. Inami, F. Muller-Sanchez, V. Charmandaris, P. van der Werf, S. Stierwalt, S. Linden, G. C. Privon, Y. Song, P. Appleton, S. Aalto, T. Bohn, T. Boker, L. Barcos-Muñoz, C. Hayward, M.J.I. Brown, L. Finnerty, J. M. Mazzarella, J. McKinney J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, J. Marshall, E.J. Murphy, D. Sanders , and J. Surace, "GOALS-JWST: Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of NGC 7469", 22023, ApJ Letters, 942, 37
- T. Bohn, H. Inami, T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, S. Linden, V. U , J. Surace, K. L. Larson, A. S. Evans, S. Hoshioka, T. Lai, Y. Song, J. M. Mazzarella, L. Barcos-Munoz, V. Charmandaris, J. H. Howell, A. M. Medling, G. C. Privon, J. A. Rich, S. Stierwalt, S. Aalto, T. Boker, M. J. I. Brown, K. Iwasawa, M. A. Malkan, P. van der Werf, P. Appleton, C. C. Hayward, F. Kemper, D. Law, J. Marshall, E. J. Murphy, and D. Sanders, "GOALS-JWST: NIRCam and MIRI Imaging of the Circumnuclear Starburst Ring in NGC 7469", 2023, ApJ Letters, 942, 36
2022 - [7]
- T. S-Y. Lai, L. Armus, V. U, T. Diaz-Santos, K. L. Larson, A. Evans, S. Linden, M. A. Malkan, P. Appleton, J. Rich, F. Muller-Sancez, H. Inami, T. Bohn, J. McKinney, L. Finnerty, D.R. Law, S. Linden, A. M. Medling, G.C. Privon, Y. Song, S. Stierwalt, P. van der Werf, L. Barcos-Munoz, J.D.T. Smith, A. Togi, S. Aalto, T. Boker, V. Charmandaris, J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, G. Kemper, J. M. Mazzarella, E. J. Murphy, M. J.I. Brown, C.C. Hayward, J. Marshall, D. Sanders, and J. Surace, "GOALS-JWST: Tracing AGN Feedback on the Star-Forming ISM in NGC 7469", 2022, ApJ Letters, 940, 36
- A.S. Evans, D.T. Frayer, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, H. Inami, J. Surace, S. Linden, T. Diaz-Santos, K. L. Larson, J. A. Rich, L. Barcos-Munoz, S. Stierwalt, J. M. Mazzarella, G. C. Privon, Y. Song, C. C. Hayward, T. Böker, V. U,1 T. Bohn, Justin H. Howell, T. Lai, A. M. Medling, Susanne Aalto, P. Appleton, M. J. I. Brown, S. Hoshioka, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, D. Law, M. A. Malkan, J. Marshall, E. J. Murphy, D. Sanders, B. T. Soifer, and P. van der Werf, "GOALS-JWST: Hidden Star Formation and Extended PAH Emission in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114", 2022, ApJ Letters, 940, 8
- H. Inami, J. Surace, L. Armus, A. S. Evans, K. L. Larson, L. Barcos-Munoz, S. Stierwalt, J. M. Mazzarella, G. C. Privon, Y. Song, S. Linden, C. C. Hayward, T. Boker, V. U , T. Bohn, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, J. H. Howell, T. Lai, A. M. Medling, J. A. Rich, S. Aalto, P. Appleton, M. J. I. Brown, S. Hoshioka, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, D. Law, M. A. Malkan, J. Marshall, E. J. Murphy, D. Sanders, and P. van der Werf, "GOALS-JWST: Unveiling the Heavily Dust Obscured Compact Sources in the Merging Galaxy IIZw096", 2022, ApJ Letters, 940, 6
- V. U., T. Lai, M. Bianchin, R.P. Remigio, L. Armus, K.L. Larson, T. Diaz Santos, A.S. Evans, D.T. Frayer, S. Stierwalt, D. R. Law, M.A. Malkan, S. Linden, Y. Song, P. vander Werf, T. Gao, G.C. Privon, A. M. Medling, L. Barcos-Munoz, C.C. Hayward, J. Rich, S. Aalto, P. Appleton, T. Bohn, T. Boker, M.J.I. Brown, V. Charmandaris, L. Finnerty, J. Howell, H. Inami, K. Iwasawa, F. Kemper, J. Marsall, J.M. Mazzarella, J. McKinney, F. Muller-Sanchez, E.J. Murphy, D. Sanders, J. Surace "GOALS-JWST: Resolving the Circumnuclear Gas Dynamics in NGC 7469 in the Mid-Infrared", 2022, ApJ Letters, 940, 5
- Y. Song, S.T. Linden, A.S. Evans, L. Barcos-Munoz, E.J. Murphy, E. Momjian, T. Dıaz Santos, K. Larson, G.C. Privon, X. Huang, L. Armus, J. Mazzarela, V. U, H. Inami, V. Charmandaris, C. Ricci, K.L. Emig ,J. McKinney, I. Yoon, D. Kummeriath, T.S.-Y, Lai, E.E. Rodas-Qioto, M.A. Saravia, T. Gao, W. Meynardie, and D.B. Sanders "Characterizing Compact 15 - 33 GHz Radio Continuum Sources in Local U/LIRGs", 2022, ApJ, 940, 52
- S. Dey, A. Goyal, K. Malek, T.J.Galvin, N. Seymour, T. D́ıaz Santos, J. Piotrowska, V. Charmandaris, "Low frequency radio continuum imaging and SED modeling of 11 local luminous infrared galaxies in radio and infrared domains", 2022, ApJ, 938, 152
- J. Marques Oliveira B. Sicardy, A. R. Gomes-Junior... V. Charmandaris, et al. "Constraints on the structure and evolution of Triton’s atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations", 2022, A&A, 659, 136
2021 - [6]
- S.T. Linden, A.S. Evans, K. Larson, G.C. Privon, L. Armus, J. Rich, T. Dıaz Santos, E.J. Murphy, Y. Song, L. Barcos-Munoz, J. Howell, V. Charmandaris, H. Inami, V. U, J. A. Surace, J. M. Mazzarella, and D. Calzetti, "Massive Star Cluster Formation and Destruction in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS II: A HST Survey of Nearby LIRGs", 2021, ApJ, 923, 278L
- C. Ricci, G. C. Privon, R. W. Pfeifle, L. Armus, K. Iwasawa, N. Torres-Alba, S. Satyapal, F. E. Bauer, E. Treister, L. C. Ho, S. Aalto, P. Arevalo, L. Barcos-Munoz, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, A. S. Evans, T. Gao, H. Inami, M. J. Koss, G. Lansbury, S. T. Linden, A. Medling, C. Romero-Canizales, D. B. Sanders, Y. Song, D. Stern, V. U, Y. Ueda, S. Yamada, "A hard X-ray view of Luminous and Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS: I – AGN obscuration along the merger sequence", 2021, MNRAS, 506, 5935
- M. C. Wiedner, S. Aalto, J. Birkby, D. Burgarella, P. Caselli, V. Charmandaris, A. Cooray, E. De Beck, J.-M. Desert, M. Gerin, J. Goicoechea, M.Griffin, P. Hartogh, F. Helmich, M. Hogerheijde, L. Hunt, A. Karska, Quentin Kral, D. Leisawitz, G. Melnick, M. Meixner, M. Mikako, C. Pearson, D. Rigopoulou, T. Roellig, I. Sakon, J. Staguhn, "Origins Space Telescope: From First Light to Life", 2021, Experimental Astronomy,51, 595
- Y. Song, S. T. Linden, A. S. Evans, L. Barcos-Munoz, G. C. Privon, I. Yoon, E. J. Murphy, K. L. Larson, T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, J. M. Mazzarella, J. Howell, H. Inami, N. Torres-Alba, V. U, V. Charmandaris, J. McKinney, and D. Kunneriath, "A Comparison between Nuclear Ring Star-Formation in LIRGs and Normal Galaxies with the Very Large Array", 2021, ApJ, 916, 73
- P. Santos-Sanz, J. L. Ortiz, B. Sicardy, ... V. Charmandaris, et al. "The 2017 May 20th stellar occultation by the elongated centaur (95626) 2002 GZ32", 2021, MNRAS 501, 6062
- J. McKinney, L. Armus, A. Pope, T. Diaz Santos, V. Charmandaris, H. Inami, Yiqing Song, and A.S. Evans, "Regulating Star Formation in Nearby Dusty Galaxies: Low Photoelectric Efficiencies in the Most Compact Systems", 2021, ApJ, 908, 238
2020 - [11]
- K. Iwasawa, C. Ricci, G.C. Privon, N. Torres-Alba, H. Inami, V. Charmandaris, A.S. Evans, J.M. Mazzarella, and T. Diaz-Santos, "A Compton-thick nucleus in the dual AGN of Mrk 266", 2020, A&A, 640, A95
- C. Cheng, X. Cao, N. Lu, R. Li, C. Yang, D. Rigopoulou, V. Charmandaris, Y. Gao, C. Xu, P. van der Werf, T. Diaz-Santos, G. Privon, Y. Zhao, T. Cao, Y.S. Dai, J.S. Huang, D. Sanders, C. Wang, Z. Wang, and L. Zhu, "ALMA [NII] 205μm Imaging Spectroscopy of the Lensed Submillimeter galaxy ID 141 at redshift 4.24", 2020, ApJ, 898, 33
- J.L. Ortiz, P. Santos-Sanz, B. Sicardy, ... V. Charmandaris, et al. "The large Trans-Neptunian Object 2002 TC302 from combined stellar occultation, photometry and astrometry data", 2020, A&A, 639, A134
- L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, B. T. Soifer, "Unveiling the Physical Properties of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2020, Nature Astronomy 4, p. 467–477
- G.C. Privon, C. Ricci, S. Aalto, S. Viti, L. Armus, T. Diaz-Santos, E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, K. Iwasawa, D. L. Jeff, E. Treister, F. Bauer, A. S. Evans, R. Herrero-Illana, J. M. Mazzarella, K. Larson, L. Blecha, L. Barcos-Munoz, V. Charmandaris, S. Stierwalt and M.A. Perez-Torres "A Hard X-ray Test of HCN Enhancements as a Tracer of Embedded Black Hole Growth", 2020, ApJ, 893, 2
- Y. Zhao, N. Lu, T. Diaz-Santos, Y. Gao, C. K. Xu, V. Charmandaris, H. Inami, D. Rigopoulou, Y. Gao, D. B. Sanders, J.S. Huang and Z. Wang "ALMA Imaging of the CO(7-6) Line Emission in the submillimeter galaxy LESS 073 at z=4.75", 2020, ApJ, 892, 2
- Y. Abou El-Neaj, C. Alpigiani,...., V. Charmandaris, et al., "AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space", 2020, NEPJ Quantum Technology, 7, 6
- L. Ciesla, M. Bethermin, E. Daddi, J. Richard, T. Diaz-Santos, M. T. Sargent, D. Elbaz, M. Boquien, T. Wang, C. Schreiber, C. Yang, J. Zab, M. Fraser, M. Aravena, R. J. Assef, A.Beelen, A. Boselli, F. Bournaud, D. Burgarella, V. Charmandaris, P. Cote, B. Epinat, L. Ferrarese, R. Gobat, O. Ilbert, "A declining starburst at z = 4.72 lensed by a merging pair of massive galaxies at z = 1.48", 2020, A&A, 635, A27
- K.L. Larson, T. Díaz-Santos, L. Armus, G. Privon, S.T. Linden, A.S. Evans, J. Howell, V. Charmandaris, V.U, D.B. Sanders, S. Stierwalt, L. Barcos-Muñoz, J. Rich, A. Medling, D. Cook, A. Ocklopcic, E. J. Murphy, and P. Bonfini "Star-forming Clumps in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2020, ApJ, 888, 92
- A. Liakos, A. Z. Bonanos, E. M. Xilouris, D. Koschny, I. Bellas-Velidis, P. Boumis, V. Charmandaris, A. Dapergolas, A. Fytsilis, A. Maroussis, and R. Moissl "NELIOTA: Methods, statistics and results for meteoroids impacting the Moon", 2020, A&A, 633, 112
- A. Psychogyios, M. Vika, V. Charmandaris, S. Bamford, G. Fasano, B. Häußler, A. Moretti, B. Poggianti, and B. Vulcani "Multi-wavelength structure analysis of local cluster galaxies. The WINGS project.", 2020, A&A, 633, 104
2019 - [6]
- A.Z. Bonanos, M. Yang, K.V. Sokolovsky, P. Gavras, D. Hatzidimitriou, I. Bellas-Velidis, G. Kakaletris, D.J. Lennon, A. Nota, R.L. White, B.C. Whitmore, K.A. Anastasiou, M. Arévalo, C. Arviset, D. Baines, T. Budavari, V. Charmandaris, C. Chatzichristodoulou, E. Dimas, J. Durán, I. Georgantopoulos, A. Karampelas, N. Laskaris, S. Lianou, A. Livanis, S. Lubow, G. Manouras, M.I. Moretti, E. Paraskeva, E. Pouliasis, A. Rest, J. Salgado, P. Sonnentrucker, Z. T. Spetsieri, P. Taylor, and K. Tsinganos "The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV)", 2019, A&A, 630, 92
- E. Pouliasis, I. Georgantopoulos, A.Z. Bonanos, M. Yang, K.V. Sokolovsky, D. Hatzidimitriou, P. Gavras, G. Mountrichas, V. Charmandaris, I. Bellas-Velidis, Z.T. Spetsieri, and K. Tsinganos, "Robust Identification of Active Galactic Nuclei through HST Optical Variability in GOODS-S: Comparison with the X-ray and mid-IR Selected Samples", 2019, MNRAS, 487, 4285
- S. T. Linden, Y. Song, A.S. Evans, E.J. Murphy, L. Armus, L. Barcos-Munoz, K. Larson, T. D́ıaz-Santos, G.C. Privon, J. Howell, J.A. Surace, V. Charmandaris, V. U, A.M. Medling, J. Chu, E. Momjian "A Very Large Array Survey of Luminous Extranuclear Star-Forming Regions in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS", 2019, ApJ, 881, 70
- R. Herrero-Illana, G.C. Privon, A.S. Evans, T. Díaz-Santos, M. Á. Pérez-Torres, V. U, A. Alberdi, K. Iwasawa, L. Armus, S. Aalto, J. Mazzarella, J. Chu, D.B. Sanders, L. Barcos-Muñoz, V. Charmandaris, S.T. Linden, I. Yoon, D.T. Frayer, H. Inami, D.-C. Kim, H.J. Borish, J. Conway, E.J. Murphy, Y. Song, S. Stierwalt, and J. Surace "The Molecular Gas and Dust Properties of Galaxies from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey", 2019, A&A, 628, 71
- T. Bitsakis, S. F. Sanchez, L. Ciesla, P. Bonfini, V. Charmandaris, B. Cervantes Sodi, A. Maragkoudakis, T. Diaz-Santos, A. Zezas "The integrated properties of the CALIFA galaxies: Model-derived galaxy parameters and quenching of star formation", 2019, MNRAS, 483, 370
- V. U, A. Medling, H. Inami, L. Armus, T. D́ıaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, J. Howell, S. Stierwalt, G.C. Privon, S. Linden, D. Sanders, C. Max, A. Evans, L. Barcos-Munoz, J. Rich, K. Larson, P. Appleton, K. Iwasawa, J. Surace, J. Mazzarella, E. Murphy, G. Canalizo, and G. Fazio "The GOALS–Keck OSIRIS AO LIRG Analysis (KOALA) Survey: Feedback in the Nuclei of Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2019, ApJ, 871, 166
2018 - [9]
- A. O. Petric, L. Armus, N. J. M. Flagey, P. Guillard, J. Howell, H. Inami,V. Charmandaris, A. Evans, S. Stierwalt, T. Diaz-Santos, N. Lu, H. Spoon, J. Mazzarella, P. Appleton, B. Chan, J. Chu, D. Hand, G. Privon, D. Sanders, J. Surace, K. Xu, Y. Zhao "Warm Molecular Hydrogen in Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2018, AJ, 156, 6
- N. Torres-Albà, K. Iwasawa, T. Díaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, C. Ricci, J.K. Chu, D. B. Sanders, L. Armus, L. Barcos-Muñoz, A.S. Evans, J.H. Howell, S.T. Linden, A.M. Medling, G.C.Privon, V. U and I. Yoon "C-GOALS II. Chandra Observations of the Lower Luminosity Sample of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS", 2018, Α&Α, 620 140
- E.M. Xilouris, A.Z. Bonanos, I. Bellas-Velidis, P. Boumis, A. Dapergolas, A. Maroussis, A. Liakos, I. Alikakos, V. Charmandaris, G. Dimou, A. Fytsilis, M. Kelley, D. Koschny, V. Navarro, K. Tsiganis, and K. Tsinganos "NELIOTA: The wide-field, high-cadence lunar monitoring system at the prime focus of the Kryoneri telescope", 2018, Α&Α, 619, 141
- T. Cao, Ν. Lu, C. K. Xu, Y. Zhao, V. Madhav Kalari, Y. Gao, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz Santos, P. van der Werf, C. Cao, H. Wu , H. Inami, A. Evans "ALMA Observation of NGC 5135: The Circumnuclear CO(6–5) and Dust Continuum Emission at 45 parsec Resolution", 2018, ΑpJ, 866, 117
- H. Inami, L. Armus, H. Matsuhara, V. Charmandaris, T. Díaz-Santos, J. Surace, S. Stierwalt, Y. Ohyama, J. Howell, J. Marshall, A. S. Evans, S. Linden, J. Mazzarella "The AKARI 2.5−5μm Spectra of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Local Universe", 2018, Α&Α, 617, 130
- N. Lu, T. Cao, T. Dıaz-Santos, Y. Zhao, G.C. Privon, C. Cheng, Y. Gao, C. K. Xu, V. Charmandaris, D. Rigopoulou, P. P. van der Werf, J. Huang, Z. Wang, A.S. Evans, D. B. Sanders "CO(7−6), [CΙ]370μm and [NII]205μm line emission of the QSO BRI 1335-0417 at redshift 4.407", 2018, ApJ, 864, 38
- M. Arabsalmani, E. Le Floc’h, H. Dannerbauer, C. Feruglio, E. Daddi, V. Charmandaris, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, L. Ciesla, P.-A. Duc, S. Basa, F. Bournaud, D. Elbaz, "A Molecular gas rich GRB host galaxy at the peak of cosmic star formation", 2018, MNRAS, 476, 2332
- J.A. Marshall, M. Elitzur, L. Armus, T. Diaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, "The Nature of Deeply Buried Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: A Unified Model For Highly Obscured Dusty Galaxy Emission", 2018, ApJ, 858, 59
- A.Z. Bonanos, C. Avdellidou, A. Liakos, E.M. Xilouris, A. Dapergolas, D. Koschny, I. Bellas-Velidis, P. Boumis, V. Charmandaris, A. Fytsilis, A. Maroussis, "NELIOTA: First Temperature Measurement of Lunar Impact Flashes", 2018, A&A, 612, Α76
2017 - [9]
- H. Kaneda, D. Ishihara, S. Oyabu, M. Yamagishi, T. Wada, L. Armus, M. Baes, V. Charmandaris, A. Efstathiou, J. A. Fernadez-Ontiveros, E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, M. Griffin, C. Gruppioni, E. Hatziminaoglou, M. Imanishi, K. Kohno, J. Kwon, T. Nakagawa2, T. Onaka, F. Pozzi, D. Scott, J.-D. T. Smith, L. Spinoglio, T. Suzuki, F. van der Tak, C. Vignali, L. Wang, "Unbiased large spectroscopic surveys of dust-band-selected galaxies by SPICA", 2017, PASA, 34, 59
- C. Gruppioni, L. Ciesla, E. Hatziminaoglou, F. Pozzi, G. Rodighiero, P. Santini, L. Armus, M. Baes, J. Braine, V. Charmandaris, D.L. Clements, N. Christopher, H. Dannerbauer, A. Efstathiou, E. Egami, J.A. Fernandez-Ontiveros, F. Fontanot, A. Franceschini, E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, M. Griffin, H. Kaneda, L. Marchetti, P. Monaco, T. Nakagawa, T. Onaka, A. Papadopoulos, C. Pearson, I. Perez-Fournon, P. Perez-Gonzalez, P. Roelfsema, D. Scott, S. Serjeant, L. Spinoglio, M. Vaccari, F. van der Tak, C. Vignali, L. Wang, T. Wada, "Tracing the evolution of dust obscured star-formation and accretion back to the reionisation epoch with SPICA", 2017, PASA, 34, 55
- E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, L. Armus, F. J. Carrera, V. Charmandaris, A. Efstathiou, E. Egami, J. A. Fernandez-Ontiveros, J. Fischer, G. L. Granato, C. Gruppioni, E. Hatziminaoglou, M. Imanishi, N. Isobe, H. Kaneda, D. Koziel-Wierzbowska, M. A. Malkan, J. Martin-Pintado, S. Mateos, H. Matsuhara, G. Miniutti, T. Nakagawa, F. Pozzi, F. Rico-Villas, G. Rodighiero, P. Roelfsema, L. Spinoglio, H. W. W. Spoon, E. Sturm, F. van der Tak, C. Vignali, and L. Wang, "Feedback and feeding in the context of galaxy evolution with SPICA: direct characterization of molecular outflows and inflows", 2017, PASA, 34, 54
- J. L. Ortiz et al. (including V. Charmandaris), "The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation", 2017, Nature, 550, 219
- T. Díaz-Santos, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, N. Lu, S. Stierwalt, G. Stacey, S. Malhotra, P. P. van der Werf, J. H. Howell, G. C. Privon, J. M. Mazzarella, P. F. Goldsmith, E. J. Murphy, L. Barcos-Munοz, S. T. Linden, H. Inami, K. L. Larson, A. S. Evans, P. Appleton, K. Iwasawa, S. Lord, D. B. Sanders, and J. A. Surace, "A Herschel/PACS Far Infrared Line Emission Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2017, ApJ, 846, 32
- Y. Zhao, N. Lu, T. Díaz-Santos, C.K. Xu, Y. Gao, V. Charmandaris, P. van der Werf, Z.-Y. Zhang, C. Cao "ALMA Maps of Dust and Warm Dense Gas Emission in the Starburst Galaxy IC 5179" , 2017, ApJ, 845, 58
- N. Lu, Y. Zhao, T. Díaz-Santos, C. K. Xu, V. Charmandaris, Y. Gao, P. P. van der Werf, G. C. Privon, H. Inami, D. Rigopoulou, D. B. Sanders, L. Zhu "ALMA [NII]205μm imaging spectroscopy of the interacting galaxy system BRI 1202-0725 at redshift 4.7" , 2017, ApJ Letters, 842, 16
- N. Lu, Y. Zhao, T. Díaz-Santos, C. K. Xu, Y. Gao, L. Armus, K. G. Isaak, J. M. Mazzarella, P. P. van der Werf, P. N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, A. S. Evans, J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, J. Leech, S. Lord, A. O. Petric, G. C. Privon, D. B. Sanders, B. Schulz, J. A. Surace, "A Herschel Space Observatory Spectral Line Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies over 194 to 671μm", 2017, ApJ Supp., 230, 1
- M. Vika, L. Ciesla, V. Charmandaris, E. M. Xilouris, V. Lebouteiller, "The physical properties of Spitzer/IRS galaxies derived from their UV to 22μm spectral energy distribution", 2017, A&A, 597, 51
2016 - [6]
- A. Psychogyios, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, S. Haan, J. Howell, E. Le Floc’h, S. M. Petty, and A. S. Evans "Morphological Classification of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2016, A&A, 591, 1
- U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, P.A. Duc, M. Boquien, E. Brinks, F. Bournaud, F. Lelli, V. Charmandaris, "Molecular gas and star formation in the Tidal Dwarf Galaxy VCC 2062", 2016, A&A 590, 92
- T. Bitsakis, D. Dultzin, L. Ciesla, T. Dias-Santos, P. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, Y. Krongold, P. Guillard, K. Alatalo, A. Zezas, J. Gonzales, L. Lanz "Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr – II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star formation", 2016, MNRAS, 459, 957
- Y. Zhao, N. Lu, C.K. Xu, Y. Gao, L. Barcos-Munoz, T. Diaz-Santos, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, P.P. van der Werf, A. Evans, C. Cao, H. Inami, E. Murphy "ALMA imaging of the CO(6-5) emission in NGC7130", 2016, ApJ, 820, 118
- Y. Zhao, N. Lu, C.K. Xu, Y. Gao, S.D. Lord, V. Charmandaris, T. Dıaz-Santos, A. Evans, J. Howell, A.O. Petric, P.P. van der Werf, D.B. Sanders, "The [NII]205μm Emission in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2016, ApJ, 819, 69
- L. Ciesla, A. Boselli, D. Elbaz, S. Boissier, V. Buat, V. Charmandaris, C. Schreiber, M. Berthemin, M. Baes, M. Boquien, I. De Looze, J.A. Fernandez-Ontiveros, C. Pappalardo, L. Spinoglio, S. Viaene, "The imprint of rapid star formation quenching on the spectral energy distributions of galaxies", 2016, A&A, 585, 43
2015 - [10]
- K. Alatalo, P. N. Appleton, U. Lisenfeld, T. Bitsakis, L. Lanz, M. Lacy, V. Charmandaris, M. Cluver, M. A. Dopita, P. Guillard, T. Jarrett, L. J. Kewley, K. Nyland, P. M. Ogle, J. Rasmussen, J. A. Rich, L. Verdes-Montenegro, C. K. Xu, M. Yun, "Star Formation Suppression In Compact Group Galaxies: A New Path To Quenching?", 2015, ApJ, 812, 117
- T. Bitsakis, D. Dultzin, L. Ciesla, Y. Krongold, V. Charmandaris, A. Zezas, "Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr. I. The nuclear activity", 2015, MNRAS, 450 3114
- M. Pannella, D. Elbaz, E. Daddi, M. Dickinson, H.S. Hwang, C. Schreiber V. Strazzullo, H. Aussel, M. Bethermin, V. Buat, V. Charmandaris, A. Cibinel, S. Juneau, R. Ivison, D. Le Borgne, E. Le Floc’h, R. Leiton, L. Lin, G. Magdis, G.E. Morrison, J. Mullaney, M. Onodera, A. Renzini S. Salim, M. T. Sargent, D. Scott, X. Shu T. Wang, "GOODS-Herschel: Star Formation, Dust Attenuation and the FIR-Radio Correlation on the Main Sequence of Star-Forming Galaxies up to z~4", 2015, ApJ, 807, 141
- R. Leiton, D. Elbaz, K. Okumura, H.S. Hwang, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, I. Valtchanov, M. Dickinson, M. Béthermin, V. Charmandaris, H. Dole, S. Juneau, D. Le Borgne, M. Pannella, A. Pope, and P. Popesso, "GOODS-Herschel: identification of the individual galaxies responsible for the 80-290μm cosmic infrared background", 2015, A&A, 579, 93
- L. Ciesla, V. Charmandaris, A. Georgakakis, E. Bernhard, P. D. Mitchell, V. Buat, D. Elbaz, E. LeFloc’h, C. G. Lacey, G. E. Magdis, and M. Xilouris, "Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with Spectral Energy Distribution modelling", 2015, A&Α, 576 10
- N. Lu, Y. Zhao, C.K. Xu, Y. Gao, T. Dıaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, H. Inami, J. Howell, L. Liu, L. Armus, J.M. Mazzarella, G.C. Privon, D.B. Sanders, B. Schulz, P.P. van der Werf, "Measuring Star Formation Rate and its Surface Density in Galaxies at High Redshift using CO(7-6) and [NII]205μm lines", 2015, ApJ Letters, 802 11
- M. J. F. Rosenberg, P. P. van der Werf, S. Aalto, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, T. Dıaz-Santos, A. S. Evans, J. Fischer, Y. Gao, E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, T. R. Greve, A. I. Harris, C. Henkel, F. P. Israel, K. G. Isaak, C. Kramer, R. Meijerink, D. A. Naylor, D. B. Sanders, H. A. Smith, M. Spaans, L. Spinoglio, G. J. Stacey, I. Veenendaal, S. Veilleux, F. Walter, A. Weiß, M. C. Wiedner, M. H. D. van der Wiel, E. M. Xilouris, "The Herschel Comprehensive (U)LIG Emission Survey (Hercules): CO Ladders, Fine Structure Lines, and Neutral Gas Cooling", 2015, ApJ, 801 72
- E. Vardoulaki, V. Charmandaris, E. J. Murphy, T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, A.S. Evans, J. Mazzarella, G. C. Privon, S. Stierwalt, L. Barcos-Muñoz "Radio Continuum Properties of Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Identifying the presence of an AGN in the radio", 2015, A&A, 574 A4
- C. K. Xu, C. Cao, N. Lu, Y. Gao, T. Diaz-Santos, R. Herrero-Illana, R. Meijerink, G. Privon, Y.-H. Zhao, A. S. Evans, S. König, J. M. Mazzarella, S. Aalto, P. Appleton, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, J. Chu, S. Haan, H. Inami, E. J. Murphy, D. B. Sanders, B. Schulz, P. Van Der Werf, "ALMA Observations Of Warm Dense Gas In NGC1614 — Breaking of Star Formation Law in the Central kpc"., 2015, ApJ, 799 11
- G. Sloan, T.L. Herter, V. Charmandaris, K. Sheth, M. Burgdorf, J.R. Houck "Spectral Calibration in the mid-infrared: challenges and solutions", 2015, AJ, 149 11
2014 - [9]
- P. N. Appleton, C. Mundell, T. Bitsakis, V. Charmandaris, U. Lisenfeld, P. Ogle, M. Lacy, K. Alatalo, L. Armus, P-A. Duc, "Accretion-Inhibited Star formation in the Warm Molecular Disk of the Green-valley Elliptical Galaxy NGC 3226?", 2014, ApJ, 797 117
- S.M. Petty, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, A. Evans, E. Le Floc’h, C. Bridge, T. D́ıaz-Santos, J. Howell, H. Inami, A. Psychogyios, S. Stierwalt, J. Surace, "The FUV to Near-IR Morphologies of Luminous Infrared Galaxies from GOALS", 2014, AJ, 148, 111
- K. Alatalo, P.N. Appleton, U. Lisenfeld, T. Bitsakis, P. Guillard, V. Charmandaris, M. Cluver, M.A. Dopita, E. Freeland, T. Jarrett, L.J. Kewley, P.M. Ogle, J. Rasmussen, J.A. Rich, L. Verdes-Montenegro, C.K. Xu, M. Yun, "Peculiar [CII] and CO(1-0) Line Ratios and Kinematics in Hickson Compact Group 57", 2014, ApJ, 795, 159
- S. Stierwalt, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, J. Marshall, A. Evans, S. Haan, J. Howell, K. Iwasawa, D.C. Kim, E.J. Murphy, H.W.W. Spoon, H. Inami, A.O. Petric, J.A. Rich, V. U "Mid-Infrared Properties of Luminous Infrared Galaxies II: Probing the Dust and Gas Physics of the GOALS Sample", 2014, ApJ, 790, 124
- T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, G. Stacey, E.J. Murphy, S. Stierwalt, S. Malhorta, P. Appleton, H. Inami, G.E. Magdis, D. Elbaz, A.S. Evans, J.M. Mazzarella, J.A. Surace, P.P. van der Werf, C.K. Xu, N. Lu, R. Meijerink, J.H. Howell, A.O. Petric, S. Veilleux, D.B. Sanders, "Extended [CII]157.7μm Emission in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2014, ApJ Letters, 788, 17
- N. Lu, Y. Zhao, C.K. Xu, Y. Gao, L. Armus, J.M. Mazzarella, K.G. Isaak, A.O. Petric, V. Charmandaris, T. Dıaz-Santos, A.S. Evans, J. Howell, P. Appleton, H. Inami, K. Iwasawa, J. Leech, S. Lord, D.B. Sanders, B. Schulz, J. Surace, P.P. van der Werf, "Warm Molecular Gas in Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2014, ApJ Letters, 787, 23
- C.K. Xu, C. Cao, N. Lu, Y. Gao, P. Van Der Werf, A.S. Evans, J.M. Mazzarella, J. Chu, S. Haan, T. Diaz-Santos, P. Appleton, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, S. Lord, E.J. Murphy, D.B. Sanders, B. Schulz, S. Stierwalt, "ALMA Observations of warm molecular gas and cold dust in NGC34", 2014, ApJ, 787, 48
- T. Bitsakis, V. Charmandaris, P. Appleton, T. Diaz-Santos, E. Le Floc'h, E. da Cunha, K. Alatalo, M. Cluver, "Herschel observations of Hickson compact groups of galaxies: Unveiling the properties of cold dust", 2014, Α&Α, 565, 25
- V. Buat, S. Heinis, M. Boquien, D. Burgarella, V. Charmandaris, S. Boissier, A. Boselli, D. Le Borgne, G. Morrison, "Ultraviolet to Infrared emission of z > 1 galaxies : can we derive reliable star formation rates and stellar masses?", 2014, A&A, 561, 39
2013 - [11]
- H. Inami, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, B. Groves, L. Kewley, A. Petric, S. Stierwalt, T. Dıaz-Santos, J. Surace, J. Rich, S. Haan, J. Howell, A. Evans, J. Mazzarella, J. Marshall, P. Appleton, S. Lord, H. Spoon, D. Frayer, H. Matsuhara, S. Veilleux, "Mid-Infrared Atomic Fine-Structure Emission Line Spectra of Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Spitzer/IRS Spectra of the GOALS Sample", 2013, ApJ, 777, 156
- G. E. Magdis, D. Rigopoulou, G. Helou, D. Farrah, P. Hurley, A. Alonso-Herrero, J. Bock, D. Burgarella, S. Chapman, V. Charmandaris, A. Cooray, S. Dai, D. Dale, D. Elbaz, A. Feltre, E. Hatziminaoglou, J-S. Huang, G. Morrison, S. Oliver, M. Page, D. Scott, Y. Shi, "Mid- to Far-Infrared Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei", 2013, A&A, 558, 136
- T. Diaz-Santos, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, S. Stierwalt, E. Murphy, S. Haan, H. Inami, S. Malhotra, R. Meijerink, G. J. Stacey, A. Petric, A. Evans, S. Veilleux, P. van der Werf, S. Lord, N. Y. Lu, J. Howell, P.N. Appleton, J. Mazzarella, J. Surace, C. Bridge, Ben Chan, D. Frayer, K. Iwasawa, J. Melbourne, D. Sanders, B. Schulz, E. Sturm, and C.K. Xu., "Does [CII]157.7μm Emission Trace Current Star Formation in Luminous Infrared Galaxies? -- First Results from a Herschel/PACS Study of the GOALS Sample", 2013, ApJ, 774, 68
- S. Haan, L. Armus, J.A. Surace, V. Charmandaris, A.S. Evans, T. Diaz-Santos, J.L. Melbourne, J.M. Mazzarella, J.H. Howell, S. Stierwalt, D.C. Kim, T. Vavilkin, A. Petric, E.J. Murphy, D.B. Sanders, R. Braun, C.R. Bridge, H. Inami, "The Build-Up of Nuclear Stellar Cusps in Extreme Starburst Galaxies and Major Mergers", 2013, MNRAS, 434, 1264
- B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, S. Berta, F. Pozzi, D. Elbaz, D. Lutz, M. Dickinson, B. Altieri, P. Andreani, H. Aussel, M. Béthermin, A. Bongiovanni, J. Cepa, V. Charmandaris, R.-R. Chary, A. Cimatti, E. Daddi, N. M. Förster Schreiber, R. Genzel, C. Gruppioni, M. Harwit, H. S. Hwang, R. J. Ivison, G. Magdis, R. Maiolino, E. Murphy, R. Nordon, M. Pannella A. Pérez García, A. Poglitsch, D. Rosario, M. Sanchez-Portal, P. Santini, D. Scott, E. Sturm, L. J. Tacconi, and I. Valtchanov, "Release of the deepest Herschel-PACS far-infrared survey: number counts and infrared luminosity functions from combined PEP/GOODS-H observations", 2013, A&A, 553, 132
- S. Stierwalt, L. Armus, J.A. Surace, H. Inami, A.O. Petric, T. Diaz-Santos, S. Haan, V. Charmandaris, J. Howell, D.C. Kim, J. Marshall, J.M. Mazzarella, H.W.W. Spoon, S. Veilleux, A. Evans, D. B. Sanders, P. Appleton, G. Bothun, C.R. Bridge, B. Chan, D. Frayer, K. Iwasawa, L.J. Kewley, S. Lord, B.F. Madore, J.E. Melbourne, E.J. Murphy, J.A. Rich, B. Schulz, E. Sturm, V. U, T. Vavilkin, K. Xu "Mid-Infrared Properties of nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies I: Spitzer IRS spectra for the GOALS Sample", 2013, ApJ Supp 206, 1
- M.E. Cluver, P.N. Appleton, P. Ogle, J. Rasmussen, T.H. Jarrett, U. Lisenfeld, P. Guillard, L. Verdes-Montenegro, R. Antonucci, T. Bitsakis, V. Charmandaris, F. Boulanger, E. Egami, C.K. Xu, M.S. Yun, "Enhanced Warm H2 emission in Compact Group Galaxies: Evolution in the Mid-Infrared Green Valley", 2013, ApJ 765, 93
- Y. Zhao, N. Lu, C.K. Xu, Y. Gao, S. Lord, J. Howell, K. G. Isaak, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, P. Appleton, A. Evans, K. Iwasawa, J. Leech, J. Mazzarella, A. O. Petric, D. B. Sanders, B. Schulz, J. Surace, P. P. van der Werf, "A Herschel Survey of the [NII] 205 μm Line in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies — The [NII] 205 μm Emission as a Star Formation Rate Indicator", 2013, ApJ Letters 765, 13
- A. Kirkpatrick, A. Pope, V. Charmandaris, E. Daddi, D. Elbaz, H.-S. Hwang, M. Pannella, D. Scott, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, D. Coia, H. Dannerbauer, K. Dasyra, M. Dickinson, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, I. Valtchanov, "GOODS-Herschel: separating high redshift active galactic nuclei using infrared color diagnostics", 2013, ApJ, 763, 123
- R. Meijerink, L.E. Kristensen, A. Weiß, P.P. van der Werf, F. Walter, M. Spaans, A.F. Loenen, J. Fischer, F.P. Israel, K. Isaak, P.P. Papadopoulos, S. Aalto, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, K.M. Dasyra, T. Diaz-Santos, A. Evans, Y. Gao, E. González-Alfonso, R. Güsten, C. Henkel, C. Kramer, S. Lord, J. Martın-Pintado, D. Naylor, D.B. Sanders, H. Smith, L. Spinoglio, G. Stacey, S. Veilleux, M.C. Wiedner, "Evidence for CO Shock Excitation in NGC6240 from Herschel/SPIRE Spectroscopy", 2013, ApJ Letters, 762, 16
- A. Del Moro, D. M. Alexander, J. R. Mullaney, E. Daddi, M. Pannella, F. E. Bauer, A. Pope, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, P. D. Barthel, M. A. Garrett, W. N. Brandt, V. Charmandaris, R. R. Chary, K. Dasyra, R. Gilli, R. C. Hickox, R. J. Ivison, S. Juneau, E. Le Floc’h, B. Luo, G. E. Morrison, M. Rovilos, M. T. Sargent, and Y. Q. Xue, "GOODS–Herschel: radio-excess signature of hidden AGN activity in distant star-forming galaxies", 2013, A&A, 549, 59
2012 - [12]
- B. Magnelli, A. Saintonge, D. Lutz, L. J. Tacconi, S. Berta, F. Bournaud, V. Charmandaris, H. Dannerbauer, D. Elbaz, N. M. Förster-Schreiber, J. Gracia-Carpio, R. Ivison, R. Maiolino, R. Nordon, P. Popesso, G. Rodighiero, P. Santini, and S. Wuyts, "Dust temperature and CO→H2 conversion factor variations in the SFR-M∗ plane", 2012, A&A, 548, 22
- C. M. Harrison, D. M. Alexander, J. R. Mullaney, B. Altieri, D. Coia, V. Charmandaris, E. Daddi, H. Dannerbauer, K. Dasyra, A. Del Moro, M. Dickinson, R. C. Hickox, R. J. Ivison, J. Kartaltepe, E. Le Floc’h, R. Leiton, B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, E. Rovilos, D. Rosario, A. M. Swinbank, "No clear submillimetre signature of suppressed star formation amongst X-ray luminous AGB", 2012, ApJ Letters, 760, L15
- G.E. Magdis, E. Daddi, M. Bethermin, M. Sargent, D. Elbaz, M. Pannella, M. Dickinson, H. Dannerbauer, E. da Cunha, F. Walter, D. Rigopoulou, V. Charmandaris, H.S. Hwang, J.Kartaltepe, "The Evolving Interstellar Medium of Star Forming Galaxies since z=2 as Probed by Their Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions", 2012, ApJ 760, 1
- A. Kirkpatrick, A. Pope, D. Alexander, V. Charmandaris, E. Daddi, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, J. Gabor, H.-S. Hwang, R. Ivison, J. Mullaney, M. Pannella, D. Scott, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, F. Bournaud, V. Buat, D. Coia, H. Dannerbauer, K. Dasyra, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, L. Lin, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, G. Morrison, P. Popesso, I. Valtchanov, "GOODS-Herschel: Impact of Active Galactic Nuclei and Star Formation Activity on Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution at High-Redshift", 2012, ApJ 759, 139
- K. Penner, M. Dickinson, A. Pope, A. Dey, B. Magnelli, M. Pannella, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, V. Buat, S. Bussmann, V. Charmandaris, D. Coia, E. Daddi, H. Dannerbauer, D. Elbaz, H.-S. Hwang, J. Kartaltepe, L. Lin, G. Magdis, G. Morrison, P. Popesso, D. Scott, and I. Valtchanov, "Evidence for a wide range of UV obscuration in z∼2 dusty galaxies from the GOODS-Herschel survey", 2012, ApJ 759, 28
- E. Rovilos, A. Comastri, R. Gilli, I. Georgantopoulos, P. Ranalli, C. Vignali, E. Lusso, N. Cappelluti, G. Zamorani, D. Elbaz, M. Dickinson, H. S. Hwang, V. Charmandaris, R. J. Ivison, A. Merloni, E. Daddi, F. J. Carrera, W. N. Brandt, J. R. Mullaney, D. Scott, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, H. Dannerbauer, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, I. Valtchanov, "GOODS-Herschel: Ultra-deep XMM-Newton observations reveal AGN/star-formation connection", 2012, A&A 546, 58
- G. E. Magdis, E. Daddi, M. Sargent, D. Elbaz, R. Gobat, H. Dannerbauer, C. Feruglio, Q. Tan, D. Rigopoulou, V. Charmandaris, M. Dickinson, N. Reddy, H. Aussel, "Molecular gas in normally star forming galaxies at z∼3", 2012, ApJ Letters, 758, 9
- M. Béthermin, E. Daddi, G. Magdis, M. Sargent, Y. Hezaveh, D. Elbaz, D. Le Borgne, J. Mullaney, M. Pannella, V. Buat, V. Charmandaris, G. Lagache, D. Scott, "A unified empirical model for infrared galaxy counts based on observed physical evolution of distant galaxies", 2012, ApJ Letters, 757, 23
- V. Buat, S. Nol, D. Burgarella, E. Giovannoli, V. Charmandaris, M. Pannella, H.S. Hwang, D. Elbaz, M. Dickinson, G. Magdis, N. Reddy, E.J. Murphy, "GOODS-Herschel: dust attenuation propeties of UV selected high redshift galaxies", 2012, A&A, 545, 141
- J.S. Kartaltepe, M. Dickinson, D.M. Alexander, E.F. Bell, T. Dahlen, D. Elbaz, S.M. Faber, J. Lotz, D.H. McIntosh, T. Wiklind, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, M. Bethermin, F. Bournaud, V. Charmandaris, C.J. Conselice, A. Cooray, E. Daddi, H. Dannerbauer, R. Dave, J.S. Dunlop, A. Dekel, H.C. Ferguson, N.A. Grogin, H.-S. Hwang, R. Ivison, D. Kocevski, A. Koekemoer, D.C. Koo, K. Lai, R. Leiton, R. Lucas, D. Lutz, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, G. Morrison, M. Mozena, J. Mullaney, J.-A. Newman, A. Pope, P. Popesso, A. van der Wel, B. Weiner, S. Wuyts, "GOODS-Herschel & CANDELS: The Morphologies of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z~2", 2012, ApJ, 757, 26
- E. Le Floc’h, V. Charmandaris, K. Gordon, W.J. Forrest, B. Brandl, D. Schaerer, M. Dessauges, L. Armus, "The first Infrared study of the close environment of a long Gamma-Ray Burst", 2012, ApJ, 746, 7
- N. Reddy, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, G. Morrison, M. Giavalisco, R. Ivison, C. Papovich, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, V. Charmandaris, E. Daddi, G. Magdis, E. Murphy, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, H. Dannerbauer, K. Dasyra, H.S. Hwang, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, B. Magnelli, and P. Popesso, "GOODS-Herschel Measurements of the Dust Attenuation of Typical Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift: Observations of UV-Selected Galaxies at z~2", 2012, ApJ, 744, 154
2011 - [16]
- S. Haan, L. Armus, S. Laine, V. Charmandaris, J.D. Smith, F. Schweizer, B. Brandl, A.S. Evans, J.A. Surace, T. Diaz-Santos, P. Beirao, E.J. Murphy, S. Stierwalt, J.E. Hibbard, M. Yun, T.H. Jarrett, "Spitzer IRS Spectral Mapping of the Toomre Sequence: Spatial Variations of PAH, Gas, and Dust Properties in Nearby Major Mergers", 2011, ApJS, 197, 27
- H. S. Hwang, D. Elbaz, M. Dickinson, V. Charmandaris, E. Daddi, V. Buat, G. E. Magdis, B. Altieri, H. Aussel, D. Coia, H. Dannerbauer, K. Dasyra, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, I. Valtchanov, "GOODS-Herschel: the impact of galaxy-galaxy interactions on the far-infrared properties of galaxies", 2011, A&A, 535 60
- T. Diaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, S. Stierwalt, S. Haan, J.M. Mazzarella, J.H. Howell, S. Veilleux, E.J. Murphy, A. O. Petric, P.N. Appleton, A.S. Evans, D.B. Sanders, J.A. Surace, "The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGs in the mid-Infrared II: Feature Emission", 2011, ApJ, 741, 32
- G. E. Magdis, E. Daddi, D. Elbaz, M. Sargent, M. Dickinson, H. Dannerbauer, H. Aussel, F. Walter, H.S. Hwang, V. Charmandaris, J. Hodge, D. Riechers, D. Rigopoulou, C. Carilli, F. Galliano, M. Pannella, J. Mullaney, R. Leiton, D. Scott , "GOODS-Herschel : Gas-to-dust mass ratios and CO-to-H2 conversion factors in normal and starbursting galaxies at high-z", 2011, ApJ Letters, 740 L15
- G. E. Magdis, D. Elbaz, M. Dickinson, H.S. Hwang, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, E. Daddi, E. Le Floc’h, H. Aussel, H. Dannerbauer, D. Rigopoulou, V. Buat, G. Morrison, J. Mullaney, D. Lutz, D. Scott, D. Coia, A. Pope, M. Pannella, B. Altieri, D. Burgarella, M. Bethermin, K. Dasyra, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, I. Valtchanov, "GOODS-Herschel: A population of 24 μm dropout sources at z < 2", 2011, A&A, 534, A15
- T. Bitsakis, V. Charmandaris, E. da Cunha, T. Diaz-Santos, E. Le Floc'h, and G. Magdis, " A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups II. Multi-wavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer Sample", 2011, A&A, 533, 142
- D. Elbaz, M. Dickinson, H.S. Hwang, T. Diaz-Santos, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, D. Le Borgne, F. Galliano, M. Pannella, P. Chanial, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, E. Daddi, H. Aussel, P. Popesso, J. Kartaltepe, B. Altieri, I. Valtchanov, D. Coia, K. Dasyra, R. Leiton, J. Mazzarella, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, R.-R. Chary, R. Gilli, R.J. Ivison, S. Juneau, E. Le Floc’h, D. Lutz, J. Mullaney, E. Murphy, A. Pope, D. Scott, D. Alexander, M. Brodwin, D. Calzetti, C. Cesarsky, S. Charlot, H. Dole, P. Eisenhardt, H.C. Ferguson, N. Förster Schreiber, D. Frayer, M. Giavalisco, M. Huynh, A.M. Koekemoer, G. Morrison, C. Papovich, N. Reddy, C. Surace, H. Teplitz, M.S. Yun, and G. Wilson, "GOODS-Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies", 2011, A&A, 533, 26
- V. Buat, E. Giovannoli, S. Heinis, V. Charmandaris, D. Coia, E. Daddi, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, H.S. Hwang, G. Morrison, K. Dasyra, H. Aussel, B. Altieri, H. Dannerbauer, J. Kartaltepe, R. Leiton, G. Magdis, B. Magnelli, P. Popesso, "GOODS-Herschel: evidence for a UV extinction bump in galaxies at z>1", 2011, A&A 533, 938
- M. Boquien, U. Lisenfeld, P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, F. Bournaud, E. Brinks, V. Charmandaris, "Studying the spatially resolved Schmidt–Kennicutt law in interacting galaxies: The case of Arp158", 2011, A&A, 533, 19
- M. A. Dopita, L. Armus, L. J. Kewley, J. A. Rich, D. Sanders, P. N. Appleton, B.H.P. Chan, V. Charmandaris, A.S. Evans, D.T. Frayer, J.H. Howell, H. Inami, J.A. Mazzarella, A. Petric, S. Stierwalt, J. Surace, "Modeling IR Spectral Energy Distributions: A Pilot Study of Starburst Parameters and Silicate Absorption Curves for Some GOALS Galaxies", 2011, Ap&SS, 333, 225
- A. Boselli, S. Boissier, S. Heinis, L. Cortese, O. Ilbert, T. Hughes, O. Cucciati, J. Davies, L. Ferrarese, R. Giovanelli, M. P. Haynes, M. Baes, C. Balkowski, N. Brosch, S. C. Chapman, V.Charmandaris, M. S. Clemens, A. Dariush, I. De Looze, S. di Serego Alighieri, P.-A. Duc, P. R. Durrell, E. Emsellem, T. Erben, J. Fritz, D. A. Garcia-Appadoo, G. Gavazzi, M. Grossi, A. Jordan, K. M. Hess, M. Huertas-Company, L. K. Hunt, B. R. Kent, D. G. Lambas, A. Lancon, L. A. MacArthur, S. C. Madden, L. Magrini, S. Mei, E. Momjian, R. P. Olowin, E. Papastergis, M. W. L. Smith, J. M. Solanes, O. Spector, K. Spekkens, J. E. Taylor, C. Valotto, W. van Driel, J. Verstappen, C. Vlahakis, B. Vollmer, E. M. Xilouris, "The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). I: The UV luminosity function of the central 12 sq.deg", 2011, A&A, 528, 107
- K.W. Willett, J. Darling, H.W.W. Spoon, V.Charmandaris, L. Armus, "Mid-Infrared Properties of OH Megamaser Galaxies. I. Spitzer/IRS Low- and High-Resolution Spectroscopy", 2011, ApJ Supp., 193, 18
- K.W. Willett, J. Darling, H.W.W. Spoon, V.Charmandaris, L. Armus, "Mid-Infrared Properties of OH Megamaser Galaxies. II. Comparisson of Spitzer Spectroscopy for Masing and Non-masing ULIRGs", 2011, ApJ, 730, 56
- A.O. Petric, L. Armus, J. Howell, B. Chan, J. Mazzarela, A.S. Evans, J.A. Surace, D. Sanders, P. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, D. Frayer, S. Lord, S. Haan, H. Inami, K. Iwasawa, D. Kim, B. Madore, J. Marshall, H.W.W. Spoon, S. Stierwalt, E. Sturm, V. U, T. Vavilkin, S. Veilleux, "Mid-Infrared Diagnostics of Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2011, ApJ, 730, 28
- S. Haan, J.A. Surace, L. Armus, A.S. Evans, J.H. Howell, J.M. Mazzarella, D.C. Kim, T. Vavilkin, H. Inami, D.B. Sanders, A. Petric, C.R. Bridge, J.L. Melbourne, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, E.J. Murphy, V. U, S. Stierwalt, J.A. Marshall, "The Nuclear Structure in Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies: HST NICMOS Imaging of the GOALS Sample", 2011, AJ, 141, 100
- V. Lebouteiller, J. Bernard-Salas, D. Whelan, B. Brandl, F. Galliano, V. Charmandaris, S. Madden, D. Kunth, "Influence of the Environment on PAH Emission in Star-Forming Regions", 2011, ApJ, 728, 45
2010 - [9]
- E. da Cunha, V.Charmandaris, T. Dıaz-Santos, L. Armus, J. A. Marshall, and D. Elbaz, "Exploring the physical properties of local star-forming ULIRGs from the ultraviolet to the infrared", 2010, A&A, 523, A78
- M. Boquien, P.-A. Duc, F. Galliano, J. Braine, U. Lisenfeld, V. Charmandaris, P.N. Appleton, "Star Formation in Collision Debris: Insights from the Modeling of their Spectral Energy Distribution", 2010, AJ, 140, 2124
- T. Diaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, A. O. Petric, J.H. Howell, E.J. Murphy, J.M. Mazzarella, S. Veilleux, G. Bothun, H. Inami, P.N. Appleton, A.S. Evans, S. Haan, J.A. Marshall, D.B. Sanders, S. Stierwalt, and J.A. Surace, "The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGs in the mid-Infrared I: The Continuum Emission", 2010, ApJ, 723, 993
- G.J. Stacey, V. Charmandaris, F. Boulanger, Y. Wu, F. Combes, S.J.U. Higdon, J.D.T. Smith, T. Nikola, "The Energetics of Molecular Gas in NGC891 from H2 and far-IR Spectroscopy", 2010, ApJ, 721, 59
- T. Bitsakis, V. Charmandaris, E. Le Floc’h, T. Diaz-Santos, S. K. Slater, E. Xilouris, and M. P. Haynes, "A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups I: Probing the Effects of Environment in Galaxy Interactions", 2010, A&A, 517, A75
- E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, J. Fischer, K. Isaak, A. Rykala, M. Spaans, P. van der Werf, R. Meijerink, F. P. Israel, E. Loenen, C. Vlahakis, G. Savini, H. A. Smith, V. Charmandaris, S. Aalto, C. Henkel, A. Weiss, F. Walter, T. Greve, L. Spinoglio, S. Veilleux, A. I. Harris, S. Lord, J. Mazzarella, E. M. Xilouris, D. B. Sanders, K. M. Dasyra, M. C. Wiedner, and C. Kramer, "Herschel observations of water vapour in Markarian 231", 2010, A&A, 518, 43
- P.P. van der Werf, K.G. Isaak, R. Meijerink, M. Spaans, A. Rykala, T. Fulton, A.F. Loenen, F. Walter, A. Weiss, L. Armus, J. Fischer, F.P. Israel, A.I. Harris, S. Veilleux, C. Henkel, G. Savini, S. Lord, H.A. Smith, E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, D. Naylor, S. Aalto, V. Charmandaris, K.M. Dasyra, A. Evans, Y. Gao, T. Greve, R. Gusten, C. Kramer, J. Martın-Pintado, J. Mazzarella, P.P. Papadopoulos, D.B. Sanders, L. Spinoglio, G. Stacey, C. Vlahakis, M.C. Wiedner, and E. Xilouris, "Black hole accretion and star formation as drivers of gas excitation and chemistry in Mrk 231", 2010, A&A, 518, 42
- H. Inami, L. Armus, J.A. Surace, J.M. Mazzarella, A.S. Evans, D.B. Sanders, J.H. Howell, A. Petric, T. Vavilkin, K. Iwasawa, S. Haan, E.J. Murphy, S. Stierwalt, P.N. Appleton, J.E. Barnes, G. Bothun, C.R. Bridge, B. Chan, V. Charmandaris, D.T. Frayer, L.J. Kewley, D.-C. Kim, S. Lord, B.F. Madore, J.A. Marshall, H. Matsuhara, J.E. Melbourne, J. Rich, B. Schulz, H.W.W. Spoon, E. Sturm, V. U, S. Veilleux, K. Xu, "The buried starburst in the interacting galaxy IIZw096 as revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2010, AJ, 140, 63
- J. H. Howell, L. Armus, J. M. Mazzarella, A.S. Evans, J. A. Surace, D.B. Sanders, A. Petric, P. Appleton, G. Bothun, C. Bridge, B.H.P. Chan, V. Charmandaris, D.T. Frayer, S. Haan, H. Inami, D.-C. Kim, S. Lord, B.F. Madore, J. Melbourne, B. Schulz, V. U, T. Vavilkin, S. Veilleux, K. Xu, "The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey: Comparison of Ultraviolet and Far-Infrared Properties", 2010, ApJ, 715, 572
2009 - [11]
- L. Hao, Yanling Wu ,V. Charmandaris, H.W.W. Spoon, J. Bernard-Salas, D. Devost, V. Lebouteiller, J.R. Houck, "Probing the excitation of extreme starbursts: High resolution mid-IR spectroscopy of Blue Compact Dwarfs", 2009, ApJ, 704, 1159
- J. Bernard-Salas, H.W.W. Spoon, V. Charmandaris, V. Lebouteiller, D. Farrah, D. Devost, B.R. Brandl, Yanling Wu, L. Armus, L. Hao, G.C. Sloan, D. Weedman, J.R. Houck, "A Spitzer high resolution mid-infrared spectral atlas of starburst galaxies", 2009, ApJ Supp, 184, 230
- Yanling Wu ,V. Charmandaris, J. Huang, L. Spinoglio, S. Tommasin, "Spitzer/IRS 5-35micron Low-Resolution Spectroscopy of the 12micron Seyfert Sample", 2009, ApJ, 701, 658
- B.R. Brandl, L. Snijders, M. den Brok, D.G. Whelan, B. Groves, P. van der Werf, V. Charmandaris, J.D. Smith, L. Armus, R.C. Kennicutt, Jr., and J.R. Houck, "Spitzer-IRS Study of the Antennae galaxies NGC4038/39", 2009, ApJ, 699, 1982
- L. Armus, J.M. Mazzarella, A.S. Evans, J.A. Surace, D.B. Sanders, K. Iwasawa, D.T. Frayer, J.H. Howell, B. Chan, A. Petric, T. Vavilkin, D.C. Kim, S. Haan, H. Inami, E.J. Murphy, P.N. Appleton, J.E. Barnes, G. Bothun, C.R. Bridge, V. Charmandaris, J.B. Jensen, L.J. Kewley, S. Lord, B.F. Madore, J.A. Marshall, J.E. Melbourne, J. Rich, S. Satyapal, B. Schulz, H.W.W. Spoon, E. Sturm, S. Veilleux, K. Xu, "GOALS: The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey", 2009, PASP, 121, 559
- A. Alonso-Herrero, G. Rieke, L. Colina, M. Pereira-Santaella, M. Gracia-Marin, J.D.T. Smith, B. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, "The Extreme Star Formation Activity of Arp299, revisited", 2009, ApJ, 697, 660
- M. Boquien, P.-A. Duc, E. Brinks, Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, E. Brinks, J. Iglesias-Paramo, C.K. Xu, "Collisional debris as laboratories to study star formation", 2009, AJ, 137, 4561
- H.W.W. Spoon, L. Armus, J.A. Marshall, J. Bernard-Salas, D. Farrah, V. Charmandaris, B.R. Kent, "High-velocity Neon line Emission frh the ULIRG IRAS F00183-7111: Revealing the Shocked Optically Obscured base of a Nuclear Outflow", 2009, ApJ, 693, 1223
- F. Boulanger and the H2EX collaboration "The molecular Hydrogen Explorer", 2009, Experimental Astronomy,Vol. 23, p. 277-302
- K. D. Tyler, E. Le Floc'h, G. H. Rieke, A. Dey, V. Desai, K. Brand, C. Borys, B. Jannuzi, L. Armus, H. Dole, C. Papovich, M. J. I. Brown, M., Blaylock, S. J. U. Higdon, J. L. Higdon, V. Charmandaris, M. L. N. Ashby, H. Smith, "Spitzer 70/160 micron Observations of High-Redshift ULIRGs and HyLIRGs in the Bootes Field", 2009, ApJ, 691, 1846
- M. Keremedjiev, L. Hao, V. Charmandaris, "The Mid-Infrared Narrow Line baldwin effect revealed by Spitzer", 2009, ApJ, 690, 1105
2008 - [8]
- V. Charmandaris, M. Heydari-Malayeri, E. Chatzopoulos, "Spitzer Mid-infrared Study of Compact HII Regions in the Magellanic Clouds", 2008, A&A, 487, 567
- V. Lebouteiller, J. Bernard-Salas, B.R. Brandl, D. G. Whelan, Y. Wu, V. Charmandaris, D. Devost, J.R. Houck, "Chemical Composition and Mixing in giant HII regions: NGC3603, 30 Doradus, and N66", 2008, ApJ, 680, 398
- B.J. Smith, C. Struck, M. Hancock, J. Giroux, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, W. Reach, S. Hurlock, J.-S. Hwang, "Stochastic 'Beads on a String' in the Accretion Tail of Arp 285", 2008, AJ, 135, 2406
- Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, J. R. Houck, J. Bernard-Salas, V. Lebouteiller, B. R. Brandl, D. Farrah, "Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies with Spitzer: The Infrared/Radio Properties", 2008, ApJ, 676, 970
- S. Tommasin, L. Spinoglio, M. A. Malkan, H. Smith, E. Gonzalez-Alfonso, V. Charmandaris,"Spitzer-IRS high resolution spectroscopy of the 12um Seyfert galaxies: I. First results", 2008, ApJ, 676, 836
- P. Beirao, B. R. Brandl, P. N. Appleton, B. Groves, L. Armus, N. M. Förster Schreiber, J. D. Smith, V. Charmandaris, J. R. Houck, "Spatially Resolved Spitzer-IRS Spectroscopy of the Central Region of M82", 2008 ApJ, 676, 304
- J. L. Rosenberg, Yanling Wu, E. Le Floc'h, V. Charmandaris, M. L. N. Ashby, J. R. Houck, J. J. Salzer, S. P. Willner, "Dust Properties and Star-Formation Rates in Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies", 2008 ApJ, 674, 814
- Yanling Wu, J. Bernard-Salas, V. Charmandaris, V. Lebouteiller, Lei Hao, B. R. Brandl, J. R. Houck, "Elemental Abundances of Blue Compact Dwarfs from mid-IR Spectroscopy with Spitzer", 2008 ApJ, 673, 193
2007 - [13]
- J.A. Marshall, T.L. Herter, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, H.W.W. Spoon, J. Bernard-Salas, J.R. Houck, "Decomposing Dusty Galaxies I: Multicomponent Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting", 2007, ApJ, 670, 129
- V. Desai, L. Armus, H.W.W. Spoon, V. Charmandaris, J.A. Marshall, H.I. Teplitz, J. Bernard-Salas, B.T. Soifer, J.R. Houck, D. Farrah, B.R. Brandl, D. Devost, S.J.U. Higdon, "PAH Emission from Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies", 2007, ApJ, 669, 810
- D. Farrah, J. Bernard-Salas, H.W.W. Spoon, B.T. Soifer, L. Armus, B. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, V. Desai, S.J.U. Higdon, D. Devost, J.R. Houck, ""High resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies", 2007, ApJ, 667, 149
- D.G. Whelan, D. Devost, V. Charmandaris, J.A. Marshall, J.R Houck, "Spitzer/IRS Spectroscopy of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC6052", 2007, ApJ, 666, 896
- Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, L. Hunt, J. Bernard-Salas, B.R. Brandl, J.A. Marshall, V. Lebouteiller, L. Hao, J.R. Houck, "Dust in the Extremely Metal-Poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy IZw18: the Spitzer Mid-infrared View", 2007, ApJ, 662, 952
- F. Bournaud, P.-A. Duc, E. Brinks, M. Boquien, P. Amram, U. Lisenfeld, B. Koribalski, F. Walter, V. Charmandaris, "Missing Mass in Colliding Debris from Galaxies", 2007, Science, 316, 1166
- M. Boquien, P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, E. Brinks, U. Lisenfeld, V. Charmandaris,"Polychromatic View of Intergalactic Star Formation in NGC 5291", 2007, A&A, 467, 93 [A&A Cover]
- H.I. Teplitz, V. Desai, L. Armus, R. Chary, J.A. Mashall, J.W. Colbert, D.T. Frayer, A. Pope, A. Blain, H.W.W. Spoon, V. Charmandaris, D. Scott,"Measuring PAH Emission in Ultradeep Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy of High Redshift IR Luminous Galaxies", 2007, ApJ, 659, 941
- F. Lahuis, H.W.W. Spoon, A.G.G.M. Tielens, S.D. Doty, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, J.R. Houck, P. Stuber, & E.F. van Dishoeck, "Infrared Molecular Starburst Fingerprints in Deeply Obscured ULIRG Nuclei", 2007, ApJ, 659, 296
- L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, J. Bernard-Salas, H.W.W. Spoon, J.A. Marshall, S.J.U. Higdon, V. Desai, H.I Teplitz, L. Hao, D. Devost, B.R. Brandl, Yanling Wu, G.S. Sloan, B.T. Soifer, J.R., Houck, T.L. Herter, "Observations of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope II: The IRAS bright Galaxy Sample", 2007, ApJ, 656, 148
- B.J. Smith, C. Struck, M. Hancock, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, W. T. Reach, "The Spitzer Spirals, Bridges, and Tails Interacting Galaxy Survey: Interaction-Induced Star Formation in the Mid-Infrared", 2007, AJ, 133, 791
- M. Hancock, B.J. Smith, C. Struck, M. Giroux, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, W. T. Reach, "Large-scale Star Formation Triggering in the Low-mass Arp 82 System: A Nearby Example of Galaxy Downsizing Based on UV/Optical/Mid-IR Imaging", 2007, AJ, 133, 676
- H.W.W. Spoon, J.A. Marshall, J.R. Houck, M. Elitzur, L. Hao, L. Armus, B.R. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, "Mid-IR Galaxy Classification Based on Silicate obscuration and PAH Equivalent Width", 2007, ApJ Letters, 654, 49
2006 - [9]
- B.R. Brandl, J. Bernard-Salas, H.W.W. Spoon, J.A. Marshall, G.C. Sloan, D. Devost, S. Guiles, Yanling Wu, L. Armus, D. Weedman, V. Charmandaris, P. Appleton, B.T. Soifer, L. Hao, S.J. Higdon, T. Herter, J.R. Houck, "The mid-IR properties of starburst galaxies from Spitzer-IRS spectroscopy", 2006, ApJ, 653, 1129
- V. Charmandaris, "Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Physics in Greece", 2006, chapter in "Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Vol. 7, pp. 49-69", (@physics/0604144)
- M.H. Brookes, C.R. Lawrence, D. Stern, M. Werner, V. Charmandaris, "Spitzer Observations of Centaurus A: Synchrotron emission in the infrared", 2006 , ApJ Letters, 646, 41
- E. Le Floc'h, V. Charmandaris, W.J. Forrest, I.F. Mirabel, L. Armus, D. Devost, "Probing the cosmic star formation using long Gamma-Ray Bursts: New constraints from the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2006, ApJ, 642, 636
- V. Desai, L. Armus, B.T. Soifer, S.J.U. Higdon, C. Bian, C. Borys, H.W.W. Spoon, V. Charmandaris, K. Brand, M.J.I. Brown, A. Dey, J. Higdon, J.R. Houck, B.T. Jannuzi, E. Le Floch, D.W. Weedman, M.L.N. Asby, H. Smith, "IRS Spectra of two Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies et z~1.3", 2006, ApJ, 641, 133
- L. Armus, J. Bernard-Salas, H.W.W. Spoon, J. Marsall, V. Charmandaris, S.J.U. Higdon, V. Desai, L. Hao, H.I. Teplitz, D. Devost, B.R. Brandl, B.T. Soifer, J.R. Houck, "Detection of the buried AGN in NGC6240 with IRS on Spitzer", 2006, ApJ, 640, 204
- Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, L. Hao, B.R. Brandl, J. Bernard-Salas, H.W.W. Spoon, J.R. Houck, "Mid-Infrared Properties of Low Metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies from Spitzer", 2006, ApJ, 639, 157.
- H. I. Teplitz, L. Armus, B.T. Soifer, V. Charmandaris, J. A. Marshal, H. W.W. Spoon, C. Lawrence, L. Hao, S.J.U. Higdon, Yanling Wu, M. Lacy, P.R. Eisenhardt, T. Herter, J.R. Houck, "Silicate Emission in the Spitzer/IRS spectrum of FSC10214+4724", 2006, ApJ, 631, L1
- H.W.W. Spoon, A.G.G.M. Tielens, L. Armus, G.C. Sloan, B. Sargent, V. Charmandaris, J.R. Houck, B.T. Soifer, "The Detection of Crystaline Silicates in Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2006, ApJ, 638, 759
2005 - [9]
- R. Giovanelli, M.P. Haynes, B.R. Kent, P. Perillat, A. Saintonge, N. Brosch, B. Catinella, G.L. Hoffman, S. Stierwalt, K. Spekkens, M.S. Lerner, K. L. Masters, E. Momjian, J.L. Rosenberg, C. M. Springob, A. Boselli, V. Charmandaris, J.K. Darling, J. Davies, D.G. Lambas, G. Gavazzi, C. Giovanardi, E. Hardy, L. K. Hunt, A. Iovino, I.D. Karachentsev, V.E. Karachentseva, R.A. Koopmann, C. Marinoni, R. Minchin, E. Muller, M. Putman, C. Pantoja, J.J. Salzer, M. Scodeggio, E. Skillman, J.M. Solanes, C. Valotto, W. van Driel, L. van Zee, "The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: I Science Goals, Survey Design and Strategy", 2005, AJ, 130, 2598
- M. M. Kasliwal, V. Charmandaris, D. Weedman, J.R. Houck, E. Le Floc'h, S.J.U. Higdon, L. Armus, H.I. Teplitz, "Identifying silicate-absorbed ULIRGs at z=1-2 in the Bootes Field using Spitzer", 2005, ApJ Letters, 634, L1
- H.I. Teplitz, V. Charmandaris, R. Chary, J.W. Colbert, L. Armus, D. Weedman "16micron imaging around the Hubble Deep Field North with the Spitzer-IRS", 2005, ApJ, 634, 128
- D.W. Weedman, L. Hao, S.J.U. Higdon, D. Devost, Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, B.R. Brandl, E. Bass, J.R. Houck, "Mid-infrared spectra of classical AGN observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2005, ApJ, 633, 706
- B.J. Smith, C. Struck, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, W. Reach, J.J. Eiter, "Using Spitzer Colors as Diagnostics of Star Formation Regions: The interacting galaxy Arp107", 2005, AJ, 130, 2117
- A. Verma, V. Charmandaris, U. Klass, D. Lutz, M. Haas, "Obscured Activity: AGN, Quasars, Starbursts and ULIGs observed by the Infrared Space Observatory", 2005, Space Science Reviews, 119, 355 (Book Chapter)
- C.M. Lisse, M.F. A'Hearn, O. Groussin, Y.R. Fernandez, M.J Belton, J.E. van Cleve, V. Charmandaris , K.J. Meech, C. McGleam, "Rotationally Resolved 8-35um Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the Nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel1", 2005, ApJ Letters, 625, L139
- L. Hao, H.W.W. Spoon, G.S. Sloan, J.A. Marshall, L. Armus, A.G.G.M. Tielens, B. Sargent, I.M. van Bemmel, V. Charmandaris , D.W. Weedman, J.R. Houck, "The detection of silicate emission from quasars at 10 and 18 microns", 2005, ApJ Letters, 625, L75
- J.R. Houck, B.T. Soifer, D. Weedman, S.J.U. Higdon, J. Higdon, T. Herter, M.J.I. Brown, A. Dey, B. Jannuzi, E. Le Floc'h, M. Rieke, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, B.R. Brandl, H. I. Teplitz, "Spectroscopic redshifts to z>2 for optically obscured sources discovered with the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2005, ApJ Letters, 622, L105
2004 - [22]
- E. M. Xilouris, A.E. Georgakakis, A. Misiriotis, V. Charmandaris, "Cold and warm dust along a merging galaxy sequence", 2004, MNRAS, 355, 57
- U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, E. Brinks, V. Charmandaris, S. Leon, `` Molecular and ionized gas in the tidal tail in Stephan's Quintet'', 2004, A&A, 426, 471
- S.J.U. Higdon, D. Devost, J.L. Higdon, B.R. Brandl, J.R. Houck, P. Hall, D. Barry, V.Charmandaris, J.D.T. Smith, G.C. Sloan, J. Green, "The SMART data analysis package for the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space telescope", 2004, PASP, 116, 975
- G. C. Sloan, V. Charmandaris, S. B. Fajardo-Acosta, D.L. Shupe, P.W. Morris, K.Y.L. Su, D.C. Hines, J. Rho, C. W. Engelbracht, "The serendipitous discovery of a debris disk around the A dwarf HD 46190", 2004, ApJ Letters, 614, L77
- L. Decin, P. Morris, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, J.R. Houck, "MARC-Model Stellar Atmospheres, and Application to the Spectral Response Calibration of the Spitzer-IRS", 2004, ApJS, 154, 408 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- D. Devost, B.R. Brandl, L. Armus, D.J. Barry, G.C. Sloan, V. Charmandaris, H.W.W. Spoon, J. Bernard-Salas, J.R. Houck, "Spitzer-IRS Mapping of the Inner kpc of NGC 253: Spatial Distribution of the [Ne III], PAH 11.3 micron, and H2 (0-0) S(1) lines and a gradient in the [Ne III]/[Ne II] line ratio", 2004, ApJS, 154, 242 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- J.R. Houck, V. Charmandaris, B.R. Brandl et al., "The Extraordinary Mid-infrared Spectrum of the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy SBS0335-052", 2004, ApJS, 154, 211 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- B.R. Brandl, D. Devost, S.J.U. Higdon, V. Charmandaris, et al. "Spitzer-IRS Spectroscopy of the prototypical Starburst galaxy NGC7714", 2004, ApJS, 154, 188 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- H.W.W. Spoon, L. Armus, J. Cami, A.G.G.M Tielens, J. Chiar, E. Peeters, J.V. Keane, V. Charmandaris, P.N. Appleton, H.I. Teplitz, M.J. Bourgdorf, "Fire and ice: IRS mid-IR Spectroscopy of IRAS F00183-711", 2004, ApJS, 154, 184 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, H.W.W. Spoon et al., "Observations of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Infared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope: Early Results on Mrk1014, Mrk463 and UGC5101", 2004, ApJS, 154, 178 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- S.J.U. Higdon, D. Weedman, J.L. Higdon, T. Herter, V. Charmandaris, J.R. Houck, B.T. Soifer, B.R. Brandl, L. Armus, L. Hao, "First mid-IR spectrum of a faint high-z galaxy: Observations of CFRS 14.1157 with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2004, ApJS, 154, 174 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- B.T. Soifer, V. Charmandaris, B.R. Brandl, et al., "Spitzer/IRS Observations of the Redshift 3.91 quasar APM 08279+5255", 2004, ApJS, 154, 151 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- V. Charmandaris, et al., "Imaging of High Redshift Submillimeter Galaxies at 16 and 22microns with the Spitzer/IRS Peak-up Cameras: Revealing a population at z>2.5", 2004, ApJS, 154, 142 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- H.I. Teplitz, V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, et al. "Rest-Frame MIR Detection of an Extremely Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy", 2004, ApJS, 154, 103 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- J.R. Houck, T.L. Roellig, J. van Cleve, W.J. Forrest, T.Herter, C.R. Lawrence, K. Matthews, H. J. Reitsema, B.T. Soifer, D.M. Watson, D. Weedman, M. Huisjen, J. Troeltzsch, D.J. Barry, J. Bernard-Salas, C. E. Blacken, B. R. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, D.Devost, G. E. Gull, P. Hall, C. P. Henderson, S. J. U. Higdon, B.E. Pirger, J. Schoenwald, G.C. Sloan, K.I. Uchida, P.N. Appleton, L. Armus, M.J. Burgdorf, S.B. Fajardo-Acosta, C.J. Grillmair, J.G. Ingalls, P.W. Morris, H.I. Teplitz, "The Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope", 2004, ApJS, 154, 18 (Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue)
- R. J. Lavery, A. J. Remijan, V. Charmandaris, R. D. Hayes, A. A. Ring, ``Probing the Evolution of the Galaxy Interaction/Merger Rate Using Collisional Ring Galaxies'', 2004, ApJ, 612, 679
- F. Meynadier, M. Heydari-Malayeri, L. Deharveng, V. Charmandaris, Th. Le Betre, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, " Stellar populations associated with the LMC Papillon Nebula", 2004, A&A, 422, 129 [A&A Cover]
- N. M. Förster Schreiber, H. Roussel, M. Sauvage, V. Charmandaris, "Warm dust and aromatic bands as quantitative probes of star-formation activity", 2004, A&A, 419, 501
- J. Braine, U. Lisenfeld, P.-A. Duc, E. Brinks, V. Charmandaris, S. Leon, `` Colliding molecular clouds in head-on galaxy collisions'', 2004, A&A, 418, 419 [A&A Cover]
- P. Gallais, V. Charmandaris, E. Le Floc'h, I.F. Mirabel, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, O. Laurent `` Dust enshrouded star-forming activity in Arp299'', 2004, A&A, 414, 485 [A&A Cover]
- V. Charmandaris, E. Le Floc'h, I.F. Mirabel ``A Bias in Optical Observations of High Redshift Luminous IR Galaxies'', 2004, ApJ Letters, 600, L15
- D. Weedman, V. Charmandaris, A. Zezas, ``Comparing Chandra and SIRTF Observations for Obscured Starbursts and AGN at High Redshift'', 2004, ApJ, 600, 106
2003 - [5]
- C.D. Wilson, N.Z. Scoville, S.C. Madden, V. Charmandaris, ``The Mass Function of Supergiant Molecular Complexes and Implications of Super Star Cluster Formation in the Antennae (NGC4038/39)'', 2003 ApJ, 599, 1049
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, F. Meynadier, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, Th. Le Betre, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, ``The Stellar environment of SMC N81'', 2003, A&A, 411, 427
- P. N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, Y. Gao, T. Jarrett, M. A. Bransford, ``Azimuthal and Kinematic Segregation of Neutral and Molecular Gas in Arp 118: The Yin-Yang Galaxy NGC 1144'', 2003 ApJ, 586, 112
- N. M. Förster Schreiber, M. Sauvage, V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, P. Gallais, I.F. Mirabel, L. Vigroux, `` ISOCAM view of the starburst galaxies M82, NGC253, and NGC1808'', 2003, A&A, 399, 833
- E. A. Corbett, L. Kewley, P. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, M. A. Dopita, C. A. Heisler, R. P. Norris, A. Zezas, A. Marston, ``COLA II - Radio and Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Galactic Activity in the Southern Sample'', 2003, ApJ, 583, 670
2002 - [9]
- U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, S. Leon, V. Charmandaris, & E. Brinks, `` Abundant Molecular Gas in the intergalactic medium of Stephan's Quintet'', 2002, A&A, 394, 823
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, E. Le Floc'h, I.F. Mirabel, M. Sauvage, S.C. Madden, P. Gallais, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, ``Mid -infrared observations of the ultraluminous galaxies IRAS 14348-1447, IRAS 19254-7245, and IRAS 23128-5919'', 2002, A&A, 391, 429
- E. Le Floc'h, V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, `` Extended Mid-Infrared emission from VV114: probing the birth of a ULIRG'', 2002, A&A, 391, 417
- V. Charmandaris, G. J. Stacey, & G. Gull, ``Resolving the buried starburst in Arp299'', 2002, ApJ, 571, 282
- P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, Y. Gao, F. Combes, F. Ghigo, C. Horellou, & I.F. Mirabel, ``Mid-IR and CO Observations of the IR/X-Ray Luminous Seyfert I Galaxy NGC985: The Making or Breaking of a ULIRG?'', 2002, ApJ, 566, 682
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer, F. Martins, & V. Charmandaris, `` STIS spectroscopy of newborn massive stars in SMC N81'', 2002, A&A, 381, 951
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, F. Meynadier, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer & H. Zinnecker, `` Resolving the LMC blobs in N160A with HST'', 2002, A&A, 381, 941
- E. A. Corbett, R. P. Norris, C. A. Heisler, M. A. Dopita, P. Appleton, C. Struck, T. Murphy, A. Marston, V. Charmandaris, L. Kewley, & A. Zezas, ``First Results from the COLA Project: The Radio-FIR-Correlation and Compact Radio Cores in Southern COLA Galaxies'', 2002, ApJ, 564, 650
- J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, U. Lisenfeld, V. Charmandaris, O. Vallejo, S. Leon, & E. Brinks, ``On-Going Galaxy Formation'', 2002 Ap&SS, Vol. 281, 407
2001 - [11]
- E. Le Floc'h, I.F. Mirabel, O. Laurent, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, ``Mid-Infrared observations of NGC1068 with ISOCAM'', Proceedings of EuroConference ``The Evolution of Galaxies. I- Observational clues'', 2001, Ap&SS, Vol. 277, 103
- V. Charmandaris, J.R. Houck, & the IRS Science Team, ``IRS: The Infrared Spectrograph on SIRTF'', Proceedings of EuroConference ``The Evolution of Galaxies. I- Observational clues'', 2001, Ap&SS, Vol. 277, 97
- L. Vigroux, H. Aussel, V. Charmandaris, C. Cesarky, D. Elbaz, D. Fadda. O. Laurent, S. Madden, I.F. Mirabel, H. Roussel, & M. Sauvage, ``Galaxy evolution: The ISOCAM view'', 2001, Ap&SS, Vol. 277, 565
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, & P. Gallais, ``ISOCAM Observations of a Galaxy Merging Sequence'', 2001, Ap&SS, Vol. 277, 55
- J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, U. Lisenfeld, V. Charmandaris, O. Vallejo, S. Leon, & E. Brinks, `` Abundant Molecular Gas in Dwarf Galaxies: On-going Galaxy Formation'', 2001, A&A, 378, 51
- C. Horellou, J. Black, J.H. van Gorkom, F. Combes, J.M. van der Hulst, & V. Charmandaris, `` Atomic and molecular gas in the merger galaxy NGC1316 (Fornax A) and its environment.'', 2001, A&A, 376, 837
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer & H. Zinnecker, ``HST observations of the LMC compact HII region N11A'', 2001, A&A, 372, 527
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer & H. Zinnecker, ``HST study of the LMC compact star forming region N83B'', 2001, A&A 372, 495
- E. Le Floc'h, I.F. Mirabel, O. Laurent, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, `` Mid-Infrared observations of NGC 1068 with the Infrared Space Observatory'', 2001, A&A 367, 487 [A&A Cover]
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage,L. Vigroux, C. Cesarsky, ``A new mid-infrared diagnostic between AGNs and starbursts'', 2001, Ap&SS, Vol. 276, 569
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, ``The mid-infrared view of star formation in collisional ring galaxies'', 2001, Ap&SS, Vol. 276, 553
2000 - [4]
- C. Wilson, N. Scoville, S. Madden & V. Charmandaris, ``High-Resolution Imaging of Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39): Super Giant Molecular Complexes'', 2000, ApJ 542, 120
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, S. Madden, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, ``A mid-infrared diagnostic to distinguish AGNs from starbursts'', 2000, A&A 359, 887
- F. Combes & V. Charmandaris, `` Search for molecular gas in HVCs via HCO+ absorption'', 2000, A&A, 357, 75
- V. Charmandaris, F. Combes, & J. M. van der Hulst, `` First detection of molecular gas in the shells of CenA'', 2000, A&A, 356, L1
1999 - [9]
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarsky, ``Nearby active and starburst galaxies as seen with ISOCAM'', 1999, Ap&SS, Vol. 269/270, 357
- P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, C. Horellou, I.F. Mirabel, F. Ghigo, J. Higdon, & S. Lord, `` Plasma and Warm Dust in the Collisional Ring Galaxy VIIZw466 from VLA and ISO Observations'', 1999, ApJ, 527, 143
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, C. Cesarsky, D. Tran, ``The mid-IR view of Interacting Galaxies'', 1999, Ap&SS, Vol. 266, 99
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, C. Cesarsky, & V. Charmandaris, ``The AGNs and their host galaxies as seen in the mid-infrared'', 1999, Ap&SS, Vol. 266, 175
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, M. Rosa, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng , & H. Zinnecker, ``The ``Papillon'' nebula: a compact HII blob in the LMC resolved by HST'', 1999, A&A, 352, 665
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, M. Rosa, & H. Zinnecker, ``HST Observations of the very young SMC HII ``blob'' N88A'', 1999, A&A, 347, 841
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, M. Rosa, H. Zinnecker, L. Deharveng, & V. Charmandaris, ``Very young massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, revealed by HST'', 1999, A&A, 344, 848
- I.F. Mirabel, O. Laurent, D.B. Sanders, M. Sauvage, V. Charmandaris, M. Tagger, P. Gallais, L. Vigroux, C. Cesarsky, & D.L. Block, ``A barred spiral at the center of the giant elliptical radio galaxy Centaurus A'', 1999, A&A, 341, 667
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, L. Vigroux, C. Cesarsky,. & P.N. Appleton, ``Dust in the Wheel: The Cartwheel Galaxy in the Mid-IR'', 1999, A&A, 341, 69
1998 - [3]
- C. Horellou, V. Charmandaris, F. Combes, P.N. Appleton, F. Casoli, & I.F. Mirabel, ``Molecular Gas in the Cartwheel Galaxy'', 1998, A&A, 340, L51
- M.A. Bransford, P.N. Appleton, A.P. Marston, & V. Charmandaris, ``Multiwavelength Observations of Collisional Ring Galaxies. III. Oxygen/Nitrogen Abundances and Star-Formation Properties of Ring Knots'', 1998, AJ, 116, 2757
- I.F. Mirabel, L. Vigroux, V. Charmandaris, M. Sauvage, P. Gallais, D. Tran, C. Cesarsky, S. Madden, & P.-A. Duc, ``The dark side of star formation in the Antennae galaxies'', 1998, A&A, 333, L1
-1996 - [3]
- P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, & C. Struck, ``The Head-on Collision between Two Gas-Rich Galaxies: Neutral Hydrogen Debris from the Centrally Smooth Ring Galaxy VIIZw466'', 1996, ApJ, 468, 532
- V. Charmandaris, P.N. Appleton, ``The Neutral Hydrogen Disk of Arp 10 (=VV 362) : A Non-equilibrium Disk Associated with a Galaxy with Rings and Ripples'', 1996, ApJ, 460, 686
- V. Charmandaris, P.N. Appleton, & A.P. Marston, `` Threshold Star Formation Effects in the Peculiar Galaxy Arp10 (=VV 362)'', 1993, ApJ, 414, 154
- S.T. Linden, T. Lai, A.S. Evans, L. Armus, K.L. Larson, J.A. Rich, V. U, G.C. Privon, H. Inami, Y. Song, M. Bianchin, T. Bohn, V.A. Buiten, M. Sanchez-Garcia, J. Kader, L. Lenkic, A.M. Medling, T. Boker T. Dıaz-Santos, V. Charmandaris, L. Barcos-Munoz, P. van der Werf, S. Stierwalt, S. Aalto, P. Appleton, C. C. Hayward, J.H. Howell, M. A. Malkan, J. M. Mazzarella, E.J. Murphy, and J. Surace "GOALS-JWST: Constraining the Emergence Timescale for Massive Star Clusters in NGC 3256", 2024, ApJ 974, 27
Διδακτορική διατριβή
- A Study of Galaxy Interactions, [cover - PDF file], Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, December 1995
- ``Dynamics of Galaxies: from the Early Universe to the Present'', ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 197, 2000, eds. F. Combes, G.A. Mamon & V. Charmandaris (San Francisco: ASP) [now you can buy it!]
Δημοσιεύσεις στο διαδίκτυο
- "The Unofficial
Heraklion Restaurant Guide", by V. Charmandaris, & N. Papanicolaou,
2007 Edition.
- ``Interacting Galaxies: A Multi-wavelength Look at their Role in Galactic and Cosmic Evolution'', Topical Session #34, AAS Meeting 198, June 2001.
Δημοσιεύσεις και Περιλήψεις σε Συνέδρια
- V. Charmandaris, "Extended Infrared Emission from
(U)LIRGs", Invited contribution in Proceedings of "Galaxy evolution: Infrared to Millimeter
wavelentgh perspective", 2010, Guilin, China
- V. Charmandaris, Y. Wu, J. Huang, L. Spinoglio, S.
Properties of Seyferts: Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy of the IRAS 12 μm Seyfert
Sample", Proceedings of Co-Evolution of Central Black Holes and Galaxies,
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 267,
p. 254-259
- V. Charmandaris, "Mid-Infrared properties
of interacting galaxies", Proceedings of Conference on "Formation and
Evolution of Galaxy disks", 1-5 October 2007, Rome, Italy
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, M.R. Rosa, V. Charmandaris, L.
Deharveng, F. Martins, F. Meynadier, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, "HST's view of the youngest massive stars
in the Magellanic Clouds", to appear in the Proceedings of the 41st ESLAB
Symposium "The Impact of HST on European Astronomy", 29 May to 1 June 2007,
ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands; eds. G. De Marchi and D. Macchetto
- E. M. Xilouris, A.E. Georgakakis, A. Misiriotis, V.
Charmandaris, "Dust along a merging galaxy sequence", in 7th
International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, AIP
Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 602-605 (2006)
- L. Hao, D. Weedman, V. Charmandaris, M.S. Keremedjiev, S.J.
Higdon, J.R. Houck, "Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Red 2MASS AGN", New Horizons
in Astronomy: Frank N. Bash Symposium Proceedings of the Conference Held 16-18
October, 2005 at The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, ASP
Conference Series, Vol. 352, p.245
- V. Charmandaris, J.R. Houck, Yanling Wu, "Spitzer Results on
low metalicity galaxies", IAU Joint Discussion 15, Prague 22-23 August 2006
- V. Charmandaris, Infrared properties of interacting galaxies:
from spirals to ULIRGs, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 235, Prague 14-18
August 2006
- P. N. Appleton, P. M. Ogle, L. Armus , V. Charmandaris,
T. Jarrett, B. F. Madore, A. Gil de Paz, M. Seibert, W. Reach, R. Antonucci, D.
Whysong, B. J. Smith and C. Struck "High Velocity Galaxy Collisions in
Pairs and Groups: Spitzer Imaging and Mid-IR Spectroscopy", Proceedings of
IAU Symposium 235, Prague 14-18 August 2006
- V. Charmandaris, "Results
from the Spitzer/IRS ULIRG GTO Program", Workshop on "Dust and gas in
ULIRGs", Ithaca, NY, June 19-22, 2006
- V. Charmandaris, and the Spitzer/IRS Instrument Team "Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Diagnostics of
Galactic Nuclei", Invited Review at The Spitzer Science Center 2005
Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, ASP Conf. Serries (@astro-ph/0607297)
- H.I. Teplitz, L. Armus, R. Chary, J.W. Colbert, D. Frayer, V.
Desai, A. Blain, H.W.W. Spoon, V. Charmandaris A. Pope, D. Scott,
"Ultradeep Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy in the GOODS Southern Field",
AAS Meeting 207, #52.08, Washington, DC, 2006
- P.N. Appleton, L. Armus, K. Borne, V. Charmandaris, T.
Jarrett, S. Lord, B. Madore, J. Mazzarella, A., Gil de Paz, W. Reach, B. Smith,
C. Struck, "UV and Mid-IR Observations of Collisional Ring Galaxies", AAS Meeting 207, #13.408, Washington, DC, 2006
- E. Le Floc'h, V. Charmandaris, W.J. Forrest, I.F. Mirabel,
L. Armus, D. Devost, "Missing GRB host
galaxies in deep mid-infrared observations: implications on the use of GRBs as
star formation tracers",
Proceedings of the 16th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland,
"Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era", November29-December 2, 2005 Washington,
- H.W.W. Spoon, J.V. Keane, J. Cami, F. Lahuis, A.G.G.M. Tielens, L.
Armus, V. Charmandaris, "Spitzer Observations of Deeply
Obscured Galactic Nuclei", Proceedings of IAU symposium 231 "Astrochemistry:
Recent Successes and Current Challenges", D.C. Lis, G.A. Blake & E. Herbst, eds
- P. N. Appleton, L. Armus, K. Borne, V. Charmandaris, T.
Jarrett, S. Lord, B. Madore, J. Mazzarella, A. Gil de Paz, W. Reach, B. Smith,
C. Struck, "Massive Star Formation and
Dust in Collisional Ring Galaxies: From Galex to Spitzer", The Spitzer
Science Center 2005 Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution,
Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2005
- M. Brooks, J. Keene, A.C. Quillen, V. Charmandaris, C.R.
Lawrence, D. Stern, M. Werner, "Spitzer
Observations of Centaurus A", The Spitzer Science Center 2005 Conference:
Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2005
- B.J. Smith, C. Struck, M. Hancock, P. Appleton, W. Reach, V.
Charmandaris, "The Spirals,
Bridges, and Tails Interacting Galaxy Survey", The Spitzer Science Center
2005 Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, CA, Nov.
- M. Hancock, B.J. Smith, C. Struck, M. Giroux, P. Applent, W. Reach,
V. Charmandaris, "Probing Star
Formation in Interacting Galaxies Using UV and Mid-IR: The Case of Arp 82",
The Spitzer Science Center 2005 Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy
Evolution, Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2005
- L. Hao, D. Weedman, V. Charmandaris, H. Spoon "Mid-IR
spectra of Quasars Blue and Red", The Spitzer Science Center 2005 Conference:
Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2005
- Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, L. Hao, J.R. Houck, "PAH
emission in low-metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies", The Spitzer Science
Center 2005 Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, CA,
Nov. 2005
- J. Marsall, T. Herter, J. Houck, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris,
"Decomposing Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies", The Spitzer Science Center 2005
Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2005
- V. Charmandaris, "Spectroscopic Diagnostics in the Mid-IR",
The Spitzer Science Center 2005 Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy
Evolution, Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2005
- P. N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris,, B. J. Smith, C. Struck, D.
Spectroscopy with the Spitzer IRS of Spiral Bridges and Tails",AAS Meeting 206, #12.11,
Minneapolis, MN, 2005
- B. J. Smith, C. Smith, P. N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, W.
Reach, "Using Spitzer
Infrared Colors as Diagnostics of Star Forming Regions in the Interacting
Galaxies Arp 107 and Arp 82", AAS Meeting 206, #12.06,
Minneapolis, MN, 2005
- M. L. Giroux, B. J. Smith, C. Struck, P. N. Appleton, V.
Charmandaris, "Spirals,
Bridges, and Tails: A GALEX Atlas of Interacting Galaxies", AAS Meeting 206, #12.05,
Minneapolis, MN, 2005
- Yanling Wu , V. Charmandaris, L. Hao, H. Spoon, B. Brandl,
J. Bernard-Salas, J. Houck , "Spitzer/IRS
spectroscopy of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies", AAS Meeting 206, #12.05,
Minneapolis, MN, 2005
- A.E. Georgakakis, E. M. Xilouris, A. Misiriotis, V.
Charmandaris, "Dust in a merging
galaxy sequence: the SCUBA view", in "The SED of Gas Rich Galaxies:
Confronting Models with Data", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 761, 2005.,
- D. Devost, B.R. Brandl, L. Armus, D. J. Barry, G.C. Sloan, V.
Charmandaris, H. Spoon, J. Bernard-Salas, J. R. Houck, "The [Ne III]/[Ne II] line ratio in
NGC 253", in "The SED of Gas Rich Galaxies: Confronting Models with Data",
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 761, 2005., p.429-432
- P. Appleton, L. Armus, B.R. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, D.
Domingue, C. Engelbracht, G. Helou, S. Lord, C. Mundell, J. Rho, H. Spoon, S.
Stolovy, J. Surace, H. Teplitz, "Spitzer
observations of Arp94: Mid-IR Evidence of Accretion onto a Dwarf Seyfert?",
AAS Meeting 205, #110.19, San
Diego, CA, 2005
- J. Marshall, T. Herter, V. Charmandaris, H. Spoon, L. Armus,
ULIRGs: Quantifying the PAH and dust components in Spitzer/IRS spectra", AAS Meeting 205, #110.10, San
Diego, CA, 2005
- S.J.U. Higdon, D. Weedman, J.L. Higdon, J.R. Houck, B.T. Soifer, L.
Armus, V. Charmandaris, T.L. Herter, B.R. Brandl, M.P. Brown, B. Jannuzi,
A. Dey, E. Le Floc'h, M. Rieke "Probing the
Physical Properties of High Redshift Optically Obscured Galaxies in the Bootes
NOAO Deep Wide Field Survey using the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer", AAS Meeting 205, #94.01, San
Diego, CA, 2005
- G.C. Sloan, T.L. Herter, V. Charmandaris, S.B.
Fajardo-Acosta, M. Burgdorf, L. Armus, "
Spectrophometric Standard Stars for the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer",
AAS Meeting 205, #52.06, San
Diego, CA, 2005
- L. Hao, D. Weedman, M.S. Keremedjiev, V. Charmandaris,
S.J.U. Higdon, J.R. Houck, "Infrared
Properties of Red AGN", AAS Meeting 205, #27.02, San
Diego, CA, 2005
- H.I. Teplitz, P.N. Appleton, L. Armus, C.J. Grillmair, X. Wu,
V. Charmandaris, K. Uchida, J. van Cleve, "Peak Up
Imaging mode for the Spitzer IRS", AAS Meeting 205, #5.05, San
Diego, CA, 2005
- J. R. Houck, Thomas L. Roellig, J. Van Cleve, bW. J. Forrest, T. L.
Herter, C. R. Lawrence, K. Matthews, H.J. Reitsema, B. T. Soifer, D. M. Watson,
D. Weedman, M. Huisjen, J.R. Troeltzsch, D.J. Barry, J. Bernard-Salas, Craig
Blacken, B.R. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, D. Devost, G. E. Gull, P. Hall,
C.P. Henderson, S.J.U. Higdon, B.E. Pirger, J. Schoenwald, G.C. Sloan, K.I.
Uchida, P.N. Appleton, L. Armus, M.J. Burgdorf, S.B. Fajardo-Acosta, C.J.
Grillmair, J.G. Ingalls, P.W. Morris, and H.I. Teplitz, "The infrared
spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope", Proc
. of SPIE, Vol. 5487, "Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes",
John C. Mather, Editor, October 2004, pp. 62-76
- V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, H.W.W. Spoon, J.R. Houck,
B.T. Soifer, S.J.U. Higdon, T. Herter, J. Marshal, "Probing the energy source of
Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies using the Infrared Spectrograph of Spitzer",
in "The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA", Paris,
France, October 27-29, 2004
- H.W.W. Spoon, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, B.T. Soifer, J.R.
Houck,"Probing the obscuring dust in ULIRG
nuclei", in "The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and
ALMA", Paris, France, October 27-29, 2004
- S.J.U. Higdon, J. L. Higdon, D. Weedman, J.R. Houck, B. T. Soifer,
L. Armus , V. Charmandaris and T. L. Herter, "Exploring the Distant Universe with
the Spitzer Space Telescope", in Proceedings of the 2004 Mitchell Symposium on
Observational Cosmology, April 11-16, 2004.
- J.R. Houck, V. Charmandaris, B.R. Brandl, "Early Results from the Infrared Spectrograph
on the Spitzer Space Telescope", Proceedings of IMF @ 50, in Astrophysics & Space
Science Library, Eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecker, Kluwer Academic
- V. Charmandaris, J. R. Houck, L. Armus & the IRS Science
team "Observations of
interstellar matter in galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer",
Proceedings of the "Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française", EDP Sciences, eds.
F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier, L. Pagani, Paris, 14-18 June
- J. Keene, D. Stern, C. Lawrence, P. Eisenhardt, V. Gorjian, K.
Stapelfeldt, M. Werner, V. Charmandaris, "Spitzer
Observations of Centaurus A", AAS Meeting 204, #41.22, Denver,
CO, 2004
- H.I. Teplitz, J.W. Colbert. L. Armus. V. Charmandaris, J.R.
Houck, D. Weedman, "16 micron
Spitzer imaging around the HDF-N", AAS Meeting 204, #41.30, Denver,
CO, 2004
- J.R. Houck et al., "The InfraRed
Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope", AAS Meeting 204, #33.04, Denver,
CO, 2004
- G.C. Sloan, P.W. Morris, S.B. Fajardo-Acosta, V.
Charmandaris, D.L. Shupe, C.W. Engelbracht, D.C. Hines, J. Rho, K.Y.L. Su,
"On the
suitability of A dwarfs as mid-infrared spectroscopic standards", AAS Meeting 204, #41,05, Denver,
CO, 2004
- L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, et al. "Observations of
Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer
Space Telescope", AAS Meeting 204, #33.19, Denver,
CO, 2004
- S.K. Slater, V. Charmandaris, M.P. Haynes, "Deep Near-IR
Imaging of Hickson Compact Groups: Galaxy Evolution during Acute
Interactions", AAS Meeting 204, #43.02, Denver,
CO, 2004 [Poster - PDF
- V. Charmandaris, L. Armus, J.R. Houck, B.T. Soifer, D.
Weedman, H.W.W. Spoon, S.J.U. Higdon, B.R. Brandl, P.N Appleton, H.I. Teplitz,
L. Hao, D. Devost, J.L. Higdon, C.R. Lawrence, "A starburst/AGN
diagnostic for the Spitzer Space Telescope", AAS Meeting 204, #33.20, Denver,
CO, 2004
- J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, U. Lisenfeld, E. Brinks, V.
Charmandaris, S. Leon, "Molecular Gas in Tidal Dwarf
Galaxies: On-going Galaxy Formation", Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 217: Recycling
Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, Eds P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, and E. Brinks.
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.518, Sydney,
Australia, 14-17 July 2003
- J.R. Houck, J. E. Van Cleve, T.L. Roellig, B. R. Brandl, J.
Marriott, M. Huisjen, J. Troeltzsch, T.L. Herter, G.E. Gull, D.M. Watson, K.I.
Uchida, D.J. Barry, V. Charmandaris, D. Devost, W.J. Forrest, P. Hall,
S.J.U. Higdon, J.L. Higdon, C.R. Lawrence, K. Matthews, H.J. Reitsema, G.C.
Sloan, B.T. Soifer, D.W. Weedman, L. Armus, P. Morris, C. Grillmair, P.N.
Appleton, H.I. Teplitz, B. Unruh, J. Winghart, "The In-flight
Performance of the Infrared Spectrograph, IRS, SIRTF", AAS Meeting 203, #22.03, Atlanta,
GA, 2004
- B. R. Brandl, D.W. Weedman, V. Charmandaris, T.B. Soifer, L.
Armus, T. Herter, D. Devost, S.J.U. Higdon, J.L. Higdon, C.R. Lawrence, P.N.
Appleton, H.I. Teplitz, J.R. Houck, "First SIRTF-IRS
Extragalactic Results", AAS Meeting 203, #22.07, Atlanta,
GA, 2004
- K. I. Uchida, J. E. Van Cleve, J. R. Houck, T. L. Roellig, B. R.
Brandl, H. I. Teplitz, V. Charmandaris, J. Troeltzsch, L. Armus, C. J.
Grillmair, P. W. Morris, J. G. Ingalls, S. Fajardo-Acosta, M. J. Burgdorf, P. N.
Appleton, D. Devost, G. C. Sloan, D. J. Barry, P. Hall, B. Unruh, J. Winghart,
S. J. U. Higdon, J. L. Higdon, "The Use of the
Infrared Spectrograph (IRS), Including its Peak-Up Function", AAS Meeting 203, #46.7, Atlanta,
GA, 2004
- V. Charmandaris, "Dust and mid-IR properties luminous IR
galaxies: From IRAS to ISO to SIRTF", Proceedings of the 6th Hel.A.S.
Conference, Athens, 15-17 September 2003 [Talk - PDF file]
- D.Weedman, V. Charmandaris, A. Zezas, "Comparing SIRTF
and Chandra Surveys to Find Dusty Starbursts and AGN at High Redshift", AAS
Meeting 202, #14.05, Nashville, TN, May 2003
- U. Lisenfeld, S. Leon, J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, V.
Charmandaris, & E. Brinks, ``Molecular Gas in the intergalactic
medium of Stephan's Quintet'', in Proceedings of ``Star Formation Through Time'',
Granada, 24-28 September 2002, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 297, p.215,
- P. Morris V. Charmandaris, T. Herter, L. Armus, J.R. Houck,
G. Sloan, ``Photometric
Calibrations for the SIRTF Infrared Spectrograph'', in Proceedings of ``The Calibration Legacy of the
ISO Mission'', ESA-SP 481, Villafranca, Spain, February 5-9, 2001
- P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, E. Corbett, M. A. Dopita, F.
Ghigo, L. Kewley, A. P. Marston, R. Norris,A. Zezas, ``The Host Galaxies of
Low-luminosity AGN in the COLA Sample'', in Proceedings of "AGN: From the Central
Engine to the Host Galaxy", ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 290, p.477, 2003, Paris,
22-28 July 2002 - [poster
PDF file]
- V. Charmandaris, E. Le Floc'h, I.F. Mirabel, ``Search for diffuse extended mid-IR
emission in Luminous IR galaxies'', in in Proceedings of "AGN: From the Central
Engine to the Host Galaxy", ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 290, p.485, 2003,Paris,
22-28 July 2002 - [poster
PDF file]
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, F.
Meynadier, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, `` An HST study of young massive star clusters in
compact HII regions of the Magellanic Clouds'', in ``IAU Symp. No 212 : A Massive
Star Odyssey, from Main Sequence to Supernovae'', Eds. K.A. van der Hucht, A.
Herrero & C. Esteban, p.553
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, F.
Meynadier, M.R. Rosa, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, ``Unveiling the properties of low metallicity massive young
star clusters'', in Proceedings of the "Semaine de
l'Astrophysique Française", EDP Sciences, eds. F. Combes, D. Barret, p. 529,
Paris, 24-29 June 2002
- C. Horellou, J. Black, J.H. van Gorkom, F. Combes, J.M. van der
Hulst, V. Charmandaris, ``Gas in the Merger Galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax
A)'',in Proceedings of the "Semaine de
l'Astrophysique Française", EDP Sciences, eds. F. Combes, D. Barret, p. 415,
Paris, 24-29 June 2002
- P. N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, Y. Gao, F. Combes, F.
Ghigo, C. Horellou, I.F. Mirabel, COLA North Collaboration, COLA South
Colaboration, `` The State of
Gas in Collisional Galaxies containing AGN'', in AAS Meeting 199, #68.06, January 2002
- V. Charmandaris, M. Heydari-Malayeri, L. Deharveng, M.R.
Rosa, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, ``HST imaging and
spectroscopy of Compact HII regions in the Magellanic Clouds: Revealing the
youngest massive star clusters'', in AAS Meeting 199, #124.05, January
2002 - [poster PDF
- U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, O. Vallejo, P.-A. Duc, S. Leon, E.
Brinks, & V. Charmandaris, ``Star Formation in Tidal Dwarf
Galaxies'', in ``Modes of Star Formation'', ASP Conf.
Ser., Vol. 285, p.406 2002, eds. Eva K. Grebel & Walfgang Brandner (San
Francisco: ASP), Heidelberg Germany, October 9-13, 2000
- M. Heydari-Malayeri, V. Charmandaris, L. Deharveng, M.R.
Rosa, D. Schaerer, H. Zinnecker, ``The
youngest massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds'', in
Proceedings of XVIIth IAP Colloquium, ``Gaseous matter in
Galaxies and Intergalactic Space'', p. 195, 2001, eds R. Ferlet, M.
Lemoine, J.-M. Desert, & B. Raban
- J.H. van Gorkom, C. Horellou, J. Black, F. Combes, J.M. van der
Hulst, V. Charmandaris, ``Atomic
and molecular gas in the merger galaxy NGC1316 (Fornax A) and its
environment'', AAS Meeting 198, #36.08, June 2001
- D. Devost, C. Robert, V. Charmandaris, ``Mid-IR
Observations of NGC3690 with Gemini: Resolving Hidden Starbursts'', AAS Meeting 198, #81.04, June 2001
- C.D. Wilson, N.Z. Scoville, S.C. Madden, V. Charmandaris,
Mass Function of Supergiant Molecular Complexes in the Antennae
Galaxies'', AAS Meeting 198, #34.09, June 2001
- V. Charmandaris, ``Dust and
Mid-Infrared Properties of Interacting Galaxies'', AAS Meeting 198, #34.12, June 2001
- U. Lisenfeld, J. Braine, P.-A. Duc, V. Charmandaris O.
Vallejo, S. Leon, & E. Brinks, ``Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Tidal
Dwarf Galaxies'', Proceedings of ``Dwarf Galaxies and their
Environment'', p. 273, eds K.S. de Boer, R.J. Dettmar & U.Klein, Shaker
Verlag - Bad Honnef, Germany, January 23-27, 2001
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, M.
Sauvage, L. Vigroux, & C. Cesarky, ``The AGN-Starburst Connection in the
Mid-infrared'', in Proceedings of JENAM-99 EAS Publications Series, Volume 1,
p153, 2001
- P.N. Appleton, A.P. Marston, C. Struck, V. Charmandaris,
COLA South (Kewley & Dopita-Stromlo) Team, COLA South (Norris & Corbett-ATNF &
AAO) Team `` The COLA North Galaxy Project: Searching for Correlations
between Degree of Galaxy Interaction'', AAS Meeting 197, #134.06, January
- V. Charmandaris, M. Heydari-Malayeri, M. Rosa, H. Zinnecker,
& L. Deharveng. ``High Resolution
Optical Imaging of Compact HII regions in the Magellanic Clouds'', AAS Meeting 197, #112.05, January
- C. Wilson, N. Scoville, S. Madden & V. Charmandaris, ``Collision-Triggered Star Formation in the
Antennae (NGC 4038/39)'', in ``Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter
Array'', ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 235, p. 347,
2001, ed. A. Wootten
- F. Combes, G.A. Mamon, & V. Charmandaris, `` Dynamics of Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the
Present'', (Conference Highlights), 2000, PASP, 112, 423
- S. Ott, R. Gastaud, ..., V. Charmandaris, et al., `` CIA V4.0 -- News about Data Analysis with
the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis System'', Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems IX, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 216, p.599 2000,
eds. N. Manset, C. Veillet, & D. Crabtree (San Francisco: ASP)
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, & P. Gallais,
`` Hot
Dust and Star Formation in Interacting Galaxies'', AAS 196th Meeting, #36.07, June 2000
- J. Houck, J. van Cleve, B. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, D.
Devost & K. Uchida, ``IRS: The
Infrared Spectrograph on SIRTF'', Proceedings of ``ISO beyond the peaks:
The 2nd ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy'', ESA SP-456, February 2000,
p.357, Eds. A. Salama, M.F.Kessler, K. Leech & B. Schulz.
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, & J.
Houck, ``The mid-IR Spectra of
Interacting Galaxies: from ISO to SIRTF'', Proceedings of ``ISO beyond the peaks: The
2nd ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy'', ESA SP-456, February 2000,
p.256, Eds. A. Salama, M.F.Kessler, K. Leech & B. Schulz.
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, E. Le Floc'h, D.
Lutz, & R. Genzel, ``Searching for AGN signatures in
Mid-IR Spectra: The case of NGC1068'', Proceedings of ``ISO beyond the peaks: The
2nd ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy'', ESA SP-456, February 2000,
p.249, Eds. A. Salama, M.F.Kessler, K. Leech & B. Schulz.
- V. Charmandaris & F. Combes, ``Minor mergers and the formation of Shell
Galaxies'', in ``IAU Col. No 174: Small Galaxy Groups'', ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 209, p.273, 2000,
eds. M. Valtonen & C. Flynn.
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, & P. Gallais,
``Mid-IR imaging of Toomre's
Merger Sequence'', in ``Dynamics of Galaxies: from the Early Universe to
the Present'', ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 197, p.335, 2000,
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon, & V. Charmandaris
- F. Combes & V. Charmandaris, `` Formation of gaseous
shells'', in ``Dynamics of Galaxies: from the Early Universe to the
Present'', ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 197, p.339, 2000,
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon, & V. Charmandaris
- C. Wilson, N. Scoville, S. Madden & V. Charmandaris, ``A Close-Up View of a Merger System:
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the Antennae (NGC4038/39)'', in
``Dynamics of Galaxies: from the Early Universe to the Present'', ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 197, p.359, 2000,
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon, & V. Charmandaris
- B. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, K. Uchida, & J . Houck, ``Extragalactic Spectrosopy with SITF /
IRS'', in Proceedings of ``ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe'', Lecture notes in physics v.
548, p. 402, 2000, eds. D. Lemke, M. Stickel, K. Wilke
- P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, C. Horellou, I.F. Mirabel,
& O. Laurent, `` Smoke in the ``Smoke Rings'': ISO
Observations of Dust in Collisional Ring Galaxies'', in Proceedings of
``ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe'', Lecture notes in physics v.
548, p. 231, 2000, eds. D. Lemke, M. Stickel, K. Wilke
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, L.
Vigroux & C.J. Cesarsky, ``Spatial
resolution bias in the mid-infrared Starburst/AGN classification'',
XIXth Rencontres de Moriond, ``Building the Galaxies: from the
Primordial Universe to the Present'', p. 79, 1999 eds F. Hammer, T.X.T.
Thuan, V. Cayatte, B. Guiderdoni and J. Tran Than Van. (Paris: Editions
- S. Ott, R. Gastaud, ..., V. Charmandaris, et al., `` From a ``Launch Readiness'' System to an
Astronomical Data Processing System -- a Review of Four Years of CIA
Development'', Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 172, p.7 1999, eds.
D. M. Mehringer, R. L. Plante, & D. A. Roberts (San Francisco: ASP)
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, L.
Vigroux & C.J. Cesarsky, ``The mid-infrared
spectral properties of starburst galaxies and AGNs seen by ISOCAM'', Proceedings of ''The Universe as seen by
ISO'' meeting, ESA SP-427, March 1999, p. 913
- P. Gallais, O. Laurent, V. Charmandaris, D. Rouan, F.
Mirabel, M. Sauvage, D. Tran, & L. Vigroux, ``ISOCAM mid-infrared observations of the
interacting galaxy system Mkn 171'', Proceedings of ''The Universe as seen by
ISO'' meeting, ESA SP-427, March 1999, p. 881
- V. Charmandaris, O. Laurent, F. Mirabel, P. Gallais, L.
Vigroux & C.J. Cesarsky, ``Mid-infrared imaging of collisional ring
galaxies with ISOCAM'', Proceedings of ''The Universe as seen by
ISO'' meeting, ESA SP-427, March 1999, p. 869
- L. Vigroux, V. Charmandaris, P. Gallais, O. Laurent, S.
Madden, F. Mirabel, H. Roussel, M. Sauvage, D. Tran, ``ISOCAM observations of galaxies'', Proceedings of ''The Universe as seen by
ISO'' meeting, ESA SP-427, March 1999, p. 805
- F. Combes, V. Charmandaris,. ``The gas dynamics of shell
galaxies'', ASP Conference Series Vol. 182, p.489,
1999, eds. D. R. Merritt, M. Valluri, and J. A. Sellwood
- S. Ott, R. Gastaud, ..., V. Charmandaris, et al., ``Data Analysis with
ISOCAM Interactive Analysis System --- preparing for the Future'',
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII, A.S.P. Conference Series, Vol. 145,
p.275, 1998, eds. R.Albrecht, R.N. Hook and H.A. Bushouse
- V. Charmandaris, I.F. Mirabel, & P.N. Appleton,
``Collisionally Induced Star Formation: The Cartwheel Galaxy as seen by
ISOCAM'', JENAM-97, p185 (1997)
- V. Charmandaris, I.F. Mirabel, D. Tran, O. Laurent,
C.J. Cesarsky, P. Gallais, M. Sauvage, & L. Vigroux, ``ISOCAM Observations of Arp 220'',
XVIIth Rencontres de Moriond, ``Extragalactic Astronomy in the
Infrared'',p. 283, 1997, Eds. G.A. Mamon, Trinh Xuan Thuan, and J. Tran
Thanh Van. (Paris: Editions Frontieres)
- O. Laurent, I.F. Mirabel, V. Charmandaris, M. Sauvage,
P. Gallais, L. Vigroux, & C.J. Cesarsky, ``ISOCAM Observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy
NGC 3147'', XVIIth Rencontres de Moriond, ``Extragalactic Astronomy in the
Infrared'', p. 311, 1997, Eds. G.A. Mamon, Trinh Xuan Thuan, and J. Tran
Thanh Van. (Paris: Editions Frontieres)
- V. Charmandaris, P.N. Appleton, ``A Study of the Kinematics of the
Peculiar Galaxy Arp10'', Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic
Astronomical Conference, p. 436, 1996, M.E. Contadakis, J.D. Hadjidemetriou
L.N. Mavridis, and J.H Seiradakis, eds.
- V. Charmandaris, ``A Multiwavelength Study of Arp10: A
Galaxy with Rings and Ripples'', Proceedings of the AAS Meeting #187, BAAS 27, p1373 (1995)
- P.N. Appleton, M.A. Bransford, V. Charmandaris, & A.P.
Marston, ``Kinematics and Metal Content of Collisional Rings Galaxies'',
Proceedings of the AAS Meeting #187, BAAS 27, p1441 (1995)
- P.N. Appleton, C. Struck, M.A. Bransford, V. Charmandaris,
A.P. Marston, K. Borne, & R. Lucas, ``
Mapping Stellar Evolution in the Wake of Density Waves in Ring
Galaxies'', Proceedings of the IAU Symposium
No.171, p. 337, (1996), Heidelberg, Germany, Eds. R. Bender and
R.L. Davies, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- V. Charmandaris, P.N. Appleton, ``A Spectrophotometric
Study of Ring Galaxies'', Proceedings of the AAS Meeting #184, BAAS 26, p. 877 (1994)
- J.A. Pedelty, P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, & J.P. Basart,
``Morphological Filtering of Infrared Cirrus Emission on Parallel and
Distributed Computers'', Proceedings of the AAS Meeting #183, BAAS 25, p.
805 (1993)
- P.N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, & A.P. Marston, ``A Star
Formation Threshold in the Peculiar Galaxy Arp10'', Proceedings of the AAS
Meeting #181, BAAS 24, p1210 (1993)
- V. Charmandaris, & C. Struck-Marcell, ``N-Body simulations of long-lived structures in galaxy collisions'', Proceedings of the ESO/EIPC Workshop on ``Structure Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of Early-type Galaxies'' (p. 677), Elba, Italy, May 1992.
Ο κατάλογος που ακολουθεί δεν είναι πλέον πλήρως ενημερωμένος....
Τεχνικές αναφορές / Λογισμικό
- A Learning Guide for ISOCONT, A. Claret, V. Charmandaris, & R. Gastaud, CIA Software Internal Report, CEA-Saclay (1998)
- XIRAF - A novel startup method for IRAF, V. Charmandaris, (1997).
Υπεύθυνος έκδοσης
- Physics Editor of the Annals of the Marie Curie Fellowship Association (MCFA) (2001-2005)
- Editor of the Newsletter of the European Astronomical Society
- Editor of the Newsletter of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (1997-2010)
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- "New water and remote galaxies complete ISO's observations", ISO/ESA Infomation Note, 07/Apr/98
- "CU researcher heads international team in a galactic discovery", Cornell Chronicle, April 6, 2000
- "Centaurus A, une galaxie elliptique géante cannibale" Actualité de la recherche - CNRS Info no. 384, Mai 2000
- "Les étoiles massives quittent leur cocon natal", Actualité de la recherche - CNRS Info no. 380, Janvier 2000
- "Des étoiles formées en dehors des galaxies? Actualités scientifiques du SAp/CEA-Saclay, 15 Novembre 2002
- Observatoire de Paris - La Nouvelle scientifique du mois Septembre 2002: "Une rose fleurit dans l'espace"
- Observatoire de Paris - La Nouvelle scientifique du mois Novembre 2001: " Peinture à la lumière"
- Observatoire de Paris - La Nouvelle scientifique du mois April 2001: " Les étoiles massives nouvellement nées secouent leur berceau"