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[ ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, /RADEC ] Display a color image of
iso_struct_raster with a standard RA-Dec labeling (RA is increasing
from right to left and Dec is increasing from bottom to top).
- [
ISOCONT, 'm51_iso.fits', EPOCH=1950, /RADEC ]
Precess (if necessary) the input image in order to display it in B1950
coordinates. Note that by default the epoch of CIA raster data structures
is J2000.
- [
ISOCONT, 'm51_iso.fits', EPOCH=1950, /RADEC, /GRID, NTICS=12 ]
Same as in Fig but overplot a coordinate grid
and more tic labels. Note that the exact number
of tics may differ by 1 to the one selected since ISOCONT tries to display
an odd number of tics.
- [
ISOCONT, my_raster_6x3, /RECT, /RADEC ]
Only a part of the rectangular (6 x 3 in this example) raster map is
displayed when only /RADEC is used. The /RECT keyword allows to display
the full map.
- [
ISOCONT, 'm51_iso.fits', STAR=[[201.887,47.4368],[202.007,47.5368]],
EPOCH=1950, /RADEC ]
Display a star at the [RA,Dec] positions given in the STAR list.
These coordinates are assumed to be given in the same epoch as the
astrometric reference image. The EPOCH keyword can be used to specify the
epoch of the STAR list precessing, if necessary, the reference image
at the same time. The color of the stars is the same as the maximum
of the color table (so white in general).
It can be set to black using the /BLACK option (see Fig ).
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, TITLE='My Source, 12-18 !7l!3m' ]
Setting TITLE='My Source, 12-18 !7l!3m' one can specify that the
waveband is 12-18
. Note that the astronomical labels mark the
distance from the center of the image since the /RADEC option was not used.
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, /NOCOPYRIGHT, /NONORTH ]
The copyright info and the north-east arrows are not displayed in order to
prepare a camera-ready publication. Compare to Fig .
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, WIN=1, SIZE=800 ]
Display a color image of iso_struct_raster in the window number 1
(default window number is 0), with an average size of 800
800 screen pixels.
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, NCD=0.66 ]
A scaling factor of 0.66 is applied on the character size (necessary
only if a NCD X-terminal is used). This scaling factor can also be
greater than 1 in order to create bigger labels for a camera-ready output.
To illustrate the effect of NCD-terminals, this figure has been
done without using NCD=0.66.
- [
ISOCONT, 'm51_dss.fits', iso_struct_raster, /RADEC, REF=2 ]
Display a color image of the file m51_dss.fits with contour levels of
iso_struct_raster. Without the REF keyword the reference astrometry
is taken from m51_dss.fits. In this example, the astrometric reference
is taken from the second image ( iso_struct_raster).
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, 'm51_dss.fits', MAGNIFY=4. ]
Display a color image of iso_struct_raster, with contour levels of
m51_dss.fits (high resolution image). If the MAGNIFY keyword is no
t used,
then the resolution of the high resolution image is decreased
in order to match that of the first image. Using the MAGNIFY=4 option
the color image is rebined with an expansion factor of 4
(using nearest neighbor values) in order to virtually improve its
resolution and make the superimposed contours look smoother.
Another possibility is to select the second image as the astrometric
reference, using the REF keyword (see Fig 11).
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, iso_struct_raster, NLEVELS=10 ]
Display a color image of iso_struct_raster, with 10 contour levels of
iso_struct_raster. These contour values are uniformly spaced in the
[MIN_VALUE,MAX_VALUE] interval. It is possible to specify directly the
minimum and maximum values by setting respectively the MIN_VALUE and
MAX_VALUE. It is also possible to directly specify the contour values by
setting the keyword array LEVELS=[value_1,value_2,...].
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, iso_struct_raster, NLEVELS=10, /BLACK ]
Same as Fig but contour levels are drawn in black.
- [
ISOCONT, 'm51_dss.fits', iso_struct_raster, levels =[4,5,10,20], /PUTINFO ]
The color table and contour values are displayed at the right of the image,
together with the file names and date of the plot.
- [
ISOCONT, 'm51_iso.fits', iso_struct_raster, /RADEC, SCAN=2, /NOLEVEL ]
Color image of m51_iso.fits, with the observed sky region of each raster
position (/SCAN) of iso_struct_raster. The contour levels of
iso_struct_raster are not displayed (/NOLEVEL). It would have been
possible to display the contour levels but not the color image by using the
/NOCOLOR keyword instead of /NOLEVEL.
- [
ISOCONT, iso_struct_raster, /PRINT, /NONORTH, /NOCOPYRIGHT ]
A postscript file ( is created. The background color is white.
Neither the
north-east arrows nor the copyright info are displayed in this example (as
for a
camera-ready graph).
Thu Apr 16 16:25:31 MET DST 1998